Cards (61)

  • What is the genus of the bacterium that causes tetanus?
    Clostridium tetani
  • What is a significant biochemical property of C. tetani?
    It is predominantly proteolytic
  • How are C. tetani spores observable microscopically?
    As a distended part at one end
  • What is the appearance of C. tetani spores referred to as?
    Drumstick appearance
  • How do the physical properties of C. tetani spores vary?
    According to the C. tetani strain
  • What happens to some strains of C. tetani spores under physical treatment?
    They are readily inactivated
  • What are some physical conditions that other strains are highly resistant to?
    1. commonly used methods of disinfection
    2. adverse environmental conditions enables their survival for years in the environment
    3. boiling in water for less than 3 hours
    4. dry heat at 150 degrees centigrade for 1 hour
  • What is one of the extracellular products of C. tetani?
  • What does tetanolysin cause?
    Lysis of red blood cells
  • What is the virulence factor essential for C. tetani disease manifestations?
  • How is tetanospasmin classified?
    As a neurotoxin
  • How is infection with C. tetani typically acquired?
    Through open wounds contaminated with spores
  • What are common items that can be contaminated with C. tetani spores?
    Soil, dirty clothes, dust
  • What facilitates the germination of C. tetani spores in wounds?
    Reduced oxygen tension and devitalized tissues
  • What happens to bacilli in the infected wound?
    They multiply and release tetanospasmin
  • What is the result of tetanospasmin entering the nervous system?
    Prevents release of inhibitory mediators in motor neuron synapses resulting in over-activity of muscles in response to stimuli
  • What are the overall effects of tetanospasmin on muscles?
    Increased sensitivity and painful muscle contractions
  • What is a clinical manifestation of tetanus?
    Generalized strong muscle spasms
  • How are colonies of C. tetani observed in BA cultures?
    No distinct colonies, grows as a layer
  • What does Gram's stain reveal in young cultures of C. tetani?
    Gram positive bacilli
  • What is observed in stained smears of C. tetani after prolonged incubation?
    Drumstick appearance of spores
  • What are some management methods for tetanus?
    1. Specific treatment:
    • Tetanus antitoxin administration
    • Antimicrobial agents (susceptible to penicillin)
    1. Other methods:
    • General supportive care
    • Muscle relaxants
    • Surgical management of wounds
  • What are the prevention methods for tetanus?
    1. Immunization with tetanus toxoid
    2. Use of sterile equipment
    3. Aseptic methods in wound management
    4. Care of umbilical wounds in newborns
  • What is the causative agent of tetanus?
    1. C.tetani
  • What is the result of bacilli multiplying in the wound?
    Release of tetanospasmin into the bloodstream
  • What is neonatal tetanus?
    Infection of the umbilical wound in infants
  • How does tetanospasmin affect motor neuron synapses?
    It prevents release of inhibitory mediators
  • What are the reflex responses in tetanus infection?
    Increased reflex responses
  • What is the Gram stain result for C. tetani?
    Gram positive bacilli
  • What is the appearance of C. tetani colonies on BA plates?
    They grow as a layer on the surface
  • What is the significance of the drumstick appearance in C. tetani?
    Indicates the presence of spores
  • How is clostridium tetani passed out in the environment?
  • What does the figure in the bacteria chapter represent?
    A roadmap for the videos
  • What organism is discussed in this video?
    Clostridium tetani
  • What does the purple background in the figure signify?
    It represents gram-positive organisms
  • What color represents gram-negative organisms in the videos?
    Red and pink
  • How does Clostridium tetani appear under a gram stain?
    It appears purple
  • What does the arched back appearance in the skeleton represent?
    Spasms of spinal extensor muscles
  • What does the green cloud around the skeleton represent?
    Exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani
  • What is the name of the exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani?
    Tetanospasmin (an exotoxin that causes muscle contractions)