Cards (4)

  • Research support for the role of genetics
    • McQuillin - genetic variants concentrated in neurons
    • Both high-risk and low-risk mutations are consistent, pointing to genes like GRIN2A, also important in epilepsy and neurodevelopment disorders
    • 80k with schizophrenia and 240k without
    • Therefore, if true understanding is sought, it needs to be at a genetic level
  • Counterpoint to McQuillin
    • Torrey - waste of money, patients aren't being helped
    • Money better spent on researching causal role of inflammation or microbiome
  • Evidence for dopamine
    • Amphetamines increase dopamine and worsen symptoms in people with schizophrenia and include symptoms in those without - Curran et al.
    • Antipsychotics reduce dopamine activity and intensity of symptoms - Tauscher
    • Some candidate genes act on production of dopamine and dopamine receptors
    • Therefore, dopamine is involved with schizophrenia
  • Counterpoint to evidence for dopamine
    • However, other drugs that increase dopamine levels (apomorphine) don't cause schizophrenia-like symptoms - Depatie and Lal
    • Garson challenged the idea that amphetamine psychosis closely mimics schizophrenia