DB operationalised (broken into individual components)
Staff/inmates made aware of hierarchal scoring system
Train staff to ensure standardisation.
Tokens are secondary reinforcers
Tokens are not rewarding in themselves but regarding because they can be exchanged for something desirable (primary reinforcer)
Primary reinforcers = a phone call to a loved one, time in the gym, extra cigarettes or food
Operationalise Target Behaviours
Target behaviours are operationalised by breaking them down into components parts e.g. 'interaction with other prisoners' may be broken down into 'speaking politely to others', 'not touching others' etc
Each 'unit' of behaviour should be objective and measurable and agreed with staff & prisoners in advance
Scoring System
Hierarchical Scoring System
Staff and prisoners should be made aware of how much each behaviour is worth in terms of token.
Behaviours are hierarchical, some are more demanding than others.
Tokens may be awarded directly or points may be awarded and converted to tokens
Reinforcements should outnumber punishments by a ration of 4:1 (Gendreau et al 2011)
Train Staff
Prison staff receive full training
Aim is to standardise procedures - so all prison staff reward the same behaviours
Keep record of what tokens awarded to progress of individual prisoners can be assessed
Operant Conditioning?
Operant conditioning is based on the assumption that new behaviours are learnt through consequences.
Behaviours that are rewarded, either through receiving a reward (positive reinforcement) or removing something wanted (negative reinforcement) results in an increase in the expression of that behaviour.
Behaviours that are punished, either by receiving something undesirable (positive punishment) or by removing something wanted (negative punishment) results in a decrease in the expression of that behaviour.
Principles of Operant Conditioning driven by Token Economy.
Token Economy - How could it implemented effectively: