Cards (10)

  • Evaluation
  • +Behaviour Modification - Research Support A03
    Hobbs & Holt (1976) studied young offenders, those taking part in a token economy programme showed more positive behaviours.
    • Field et al (2004) found some young offenders didn't respond but did if rewards were more immediate, frequent and positive.
    This suggests that token economy systems do work.
  • + Behaviour Modification - Easy to implement A03
    Behaviour modification does not need specialist professional involved, whereas this is true for other forms of treatment (e.g anger management, next spread).
    • Token economy systems can be designed and implemented by virtually anyone. They are cost-effective and easy to follow once methods have been established.
    This suggests that behaviour modification techniques can be established in most prisons and accessed by most prisoners.
  • -Behaviour Modification - Little rehabilitative value A03
    Some treatments (e.g. anger management) are longer lasting because they involve understanding causes of, and taking responsibility for, own behaviour.
    • In contrast offenders can plat along with a token economy system to access rewards, but this products little change in their overall character.
    This may explain why, once the token economy is discontinued, an offender may quickly regress back to their formed behaviour.
  • Counter point to research in support
    Bassett & Blanchard (1977) found any benefits were lost if staff applied the techniques inconsistently due to lack of training or because of high staff turnover (an issue in many UK prisons).
    • This suggests that behaviour modification schemes may not be as straightforward to implement as they first appear.
  • -BM - Ethical Issues A03
    Behaviour Modification has been associated with decreased conflict, more successful management of prisoners and reduced stress for prison staff in a potentially hostile environment.
    • However, critics describe behaviour modification as manipulative and dehumanising (Moya and Achtenberg 1974). Human rights campaigners argue that withdrawal of 'privileges' is unethical.
    This suggests that the question of whether behaviour modification is successful may depend on whose perspective = prison staff or prisoners.
  • +TB: Support for TOKEN ECONOMY A03 (BM)
    Hobbs & Holt (1976): Introduced a token economy programme with groups of young delinquents across 3 behavioural units (4th = control).
    • They observed significant difference in positive behaviour compared to non token economy group.
    • A similar effect found with offenders in an adult (Allyon et al 1979)
    Field et al (2004)
    • Found even in inmates who didn't initially respond positively to the system, eventually did as long as reward were more immediate & more frequent.
    Showing as long as implemented correctly token economy is affective at modifying behaviour.
  • -Ethical Issues - BM A03
    P: Some critics argue that Behavioural Modification is an unethical practice.
    E: Moya & Achtenberg (1974) suggest it is manipulative and dehumanising.
    E: Taking away basic needs like exercise and contact with loved ones is an infringement of human rights.
    L: Given the previous commentary on the lack of long term effectiveness it appears the ends don't therefore justify the means.
  • -Ease - BM A03
    P: One reason prisons choose token economy over other techniques is the ease with which it is implemented.
    E: There is no requirement for specialists professionals as in Anger Management.
    E: It is common for prison staff to design reinforcement schedules and implement rewards.
    L: Making it an accessible and cost effective treatment in prisons where budgets are already highly/tightly stretched.
    • Limited rehabilitative effect/value
  • +/-Supporting evidence: BM A03
    • Cohen & Filipczak (1971) found individuals who placed in a token economy groups show more desirable behaviour vs control groups. After 2 years, the TE groups were less likely to have reoffended. (initially more positive behaviour)= after 3 years recidivism rates returned to national average.
    E: This may be coz token economy is just a superficial behaviour change which prisoners engage in simply to earn rewards.
    For lasting success a more cognitive based technique like anger management may be a better option.
    • Research suggest NOT effective in long term