Khrushchev secret speech

Cards (15)

  • 20th party congress in 1956
  • Speech called on personality cult and its consequences
    • awful for congress members
  • he spoke for four hours straight
    • attacks cult of personality - unquestioning adulation that Stalin made - that is corrupt
    • read out Lenin’s testament - lenin warned us - legacy backing
    • Congress of victors becomes victims - Kirovs speech - starts terror
  • 1996 delegates that went to 17th congress - Congress of victors
    • 1100 are arrested and 850 are shot
    • 139 central commitee - 98 shot
    • Innocents were killed - it was unforgiveable
  • Suggest stalin was apart of Kirovs murder
  • anybody that followed Trotsky or Bukharin - they were challenging ideology and didnt deserve death
  • criticised NKVD for torture confessions and Stalin had told them to beat beat beat
  • criticised Stalins early performance in patriotic war and were preventable
  • denounced the mass deportations
  • Stalin had abused power in doctors plot and Leningrad affair
  • intended to attack his.close Polit beraeu members through purging in presidium
  • not an attack on communism, ideology and party this is solely on Stalin
  • Doesn’t talk about dekulakisation or NKVD 00447 - quotas for enemies of state because he increaed the quota he was given
    35000 arrest and found 41000 and shot 8500
  • even Stalin questioned Khrushchev