Cards (8)

  • what is lean production?
    an approach to operations management that focuses on cutting out waste, whilst still ensuring quality.
  • The Importance of Reducing Waste (Cost)
    Less waste means lower costs, which is an essential part of any business being competitive.
  • key aspects of lean production that you should be aware of
    Time based management
    Simultaneous engineering
    Just in time production (JIT)
    Cell production
  • Time-based Management
    Recognises the importance of time and seeks to reduce the level of wasted time in the production processes
    • Quicker response times (reduced lead times) to meet changing market and customer needs
    • Faster new product development
    • Reduction in waste, therefore greater efficiency
  • Simultaneous Engineering
    project management approach that helps businesses develop and launch new products more quickly.
    • New product is brought to the market much more quickly
    • Business may be able to charge a premium price that will give a better profit margin and help recoup R&D costs
    • A greater sense of involvement across business functions improves staff commitment to the project
    • Can be a source of competitive advantage (‘first mover advantage’) for the firm if it can get a reliable new product into the market and build brand loyalty before its competitors
  • Cell Production
    production processes are split into cells.
  • benefits to cell production
    • Closeness of cell members should improve communication, avoiding confusion arising from misunderstood or non-received messages
    • Workers become multi-skilled and more adaptable to the future needs of a business
    • Greater worker motivation, arising from variety of work, team working and more responsibility
    • Quality improvements as each cell has ‘ownership’ for quality on its area
  • drawbacks of cell production
    • The business may have to invest in new materials handling and ordering systems suitable for cell production
    • Cell production may not allow a business to use its machinery as intensively as in traditional flow production
    • Some small scale production lines may not yield enough savings to make a switch cell production economically worthwhile
    • The allocation of work to cells has to be efficient so that they have enough work, but not so much that they are unable to cope
    • Recruitment and training of staff must support this approach to production