Cards (8)

  • what type of biome does Marram grass specialize in living in, and why are the conditions in said area so harsh?
    Marram grass specialises in living on the sand dune. The conditions in the sand dunes are especially harsh as the water in the sand drains away quickly, the sand may be salty and the leaves are exposed to windy conditions.
  • What type of plant is Marram grass, and what conditions is this type of plant adapted to live in?
    Marram grass is a Xerophyte- xerophytes are adapted to living in arid conditions.
  • what are the adaptations of marram grass?
    The leaf is rolled longitudinally
    Thick wax cuticle
    stomata are in the inner side of the rolled leaf
    stomata are in pits in the lower epidermis, that are folded and covered by hair.
    Spongy mesophyll is dense
  • Why are the leaves of marram grass rolled longitudinally?
    Air can be trapped inside, the air becomes humid thus reducing water loss from the leaf. The leaf can roll more tightly in very dry conditions.
  • Why does marram grass have a thick waxy cuticle?
    A thick waxy cuticle on the outer side of the rolled leave reduces evaporation.
  • why are the stomata on the inside of the rolled leaf of marram grass?
    The stomata are in the lower epidermis so they are protected by the enclosed air space.
  • Why are the stomata in pits, and why are they folded and covered in hair, in marram grass?
    The stomata are in pits in the lower epidermis, which is also folded and covered in hair. These adaptations help to reduce air movement and thus the loss of water loss.
  • Why is the spongy mesophyll very dense in marram grass?
    the spongy mesophyll is very dense, with few air spaces, so that there Is less surface area for the evaporation of water.