Cards (55)

  • What is an adaptation in organisms?
    A feature that increases survival chances
  • What types of adaptations exist?
    Anatomical, physiological, and behavioural
  • What are anatomical adaptations?
    Changes to physical features for survival
  • What does the kingdom Animalia consist of?
    Multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes
  • What is Archaea?
    A domain of primitive bacteria in extreme environments
  • What does the domain Bacteria consist of?
    True bacteria
  • What are behavioural adaptations?
    Ways organisms act to survive better
  • What is the binomial system?
    A system for naming organisms by genus and species
  • What is biodiversity?
    The variety of living organisms in a region
  • What factors affect biodiversity?
    Environmental, genetic, and human factors
  • What is classification in biology?
    The organization of organisms into groups
  • What is DNA profiling?
    A method to determine DNA characteristics
  • How is relatedness estimated in DNA profiling?
    By the percentage of shared DNA or proteins
  • What is DNA sequencing?
    Determining the entire DNA nucleotide sequence
  • What can DNA sequencing identify?
    Variation in base sequences among species
  • What is the highest taxonomic rank?
  • What does the domain Eukarya consist of?
    All eukaryotic organisms
  • What is the five kingdom classification system?
    Classification into Animalia, Fungi, Plantae, Prokaryotae, Protoctista
  • What is Fungi?
    Heterotrophic eukaryotes with chitin cell walls
  • How do fungi reproduce?
    Asexually by producing spores
  • How can genetic biodiversity be assessed?
    By the proportion of alleles in a population
  • What is the second highest taxonomic rank?
  • What is the Linnaean system?
    Classification into kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
  • What is morphological convergence?
    Independent evolution of similar features in unrelated organisms
  • What is natural selection?
    The process of advantageous alleles increasing in frequency
  • What is genetic biodiversity?
    A measure of the variety of genes in a species
  • What are physiological adaptations?
    Internal body changes for survival
  • What does the kingdom Plantae consist of?
    Multicellular eukaryotes that can photosynthesize
  • What does the kingdom Prokaryotae consist of?
    Unicellular prokaryotes lacking a true nucleus
  • What does the kingdom Protoctista consist of?
    Unicellular eukaryotes
  • What is Simpson’s Index of Diversity?
    A measurement of diversity considering richness and evenness
  • What does a higher value of Simpson’s Index indicate?
    Greater diversity
  • What is species?
    A group of similar organisms that breed
  • What is species richness?
    The number of different species in an area
  • What is species evenness?
    The number of individuals of each species in a community
  • What is taxonomic hierarchy?
    The arrangement of organisms into classification levels
  • What is the three-domain system?
    A classification method into Archaea, Bacteria, Eukaryota
  • What is a taxon?
    A group within a classification system
  • What does hierarchical classification involve?
    A structure where smaller groups are contained within larger groups
  • What characterizes prokaryotes?
    No membrane-bound organelles