Cold War (in progress)

Cards (42)

  • What was the Grand Alliance made up of?
    Britain, the USA, and the USSR
  • Why were the 'Big Three' allies united during World War Two?
    To defeat Nazi Germany
  • What tensions emerged as the war ended among the Grand Alliance?
    Political differences between the allies
  • Where did the Grand Alliance hold a conference in 1943?
  • What was a key topic discussed at the Tehran conference?
    Plans to defeat the Nazi regime
  • What did the allies discuss regarding Europe after the war?
    Future of Europe and Germany
  • What was agreed upon regarding Eastern Europe at the Tehran conference?
    USSR would claim a sphere of influence
  • What was decided at the conferences held in February 1945?
    Free elections in Eastern Europe
  • What organization was established to replace the League of Nations?
    The United Nations
  • What did the term 'soft' version of elections imply for the USA and Britain?
    USSR would accept non-rigged elections
  • When did the Potsdam conference take place?
    July and August 1945
  • What was one of the main goals of the Potsdam conference?
    To finalize plans for Germany and Europe
  • What was agreed upon regarding Poland at the Potsdam conference?
    The new boundaries of Poland were agreed
  • Who would divide Germany and Berlin according to the Potsdam agreements?
    The 'big three' plus France
  • What was decided about Nazi leaders at the Potsdam conference?
    They would be put on trial at Nuremberg
  • What remained undecided at the Potsdam conference regarding Germany?
    If and when zones could form a country
  • How did the death of Roosevelt affect the Grand Alliance?
    Truman was more suspicious of the USSR
  • What actions did Stalin take in Poland that alarmed Britain and the USA?
    Installed a pro-communist government
  • What were the ideologies of the USA and USSR?
    USA was capitalist, USSR was communist
  • What did communism entail according to the study material?
    State control of industry and agriculture
  • Why did the USA view communism as a threat?
    It aimed at world revolution
  • What was the 'Iron Curtain' according to Churchill?

    A division between East and West Europe
  • What did the Cold War signify?
    Increasing tensions without direct fighting
  • What did the USA do in August 1945?
    Dropped atom bombs on Japan
  • Why was military help from the USSR not needed to defeat Japan?
    USA dropped atom bombs on Japan
  • How did the USA's secrecy about the atom bomb affect relations with the USSR?
    Increased suspicion and rivalry
  • What did Stalin do in response to the USA's atomic bomb development?
    Accelerated the USSR's atomic bomb program
  • What was the result of the USA being the only nuclear power for four years?
    Boosted the USA's global status
  • Which countries did Stalin install pro-Soviet governments in between 1945 and 1948?
    Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia
  • What was the exception to Soviet domination in Eastern Europe?
  • How did Yugoslavia differ from other Eastern European countries?
    It was more open to the West
  • What did Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech signify?
    The beginning of the Cold War tensions
  • What was the main fear of both the USA and USSR during the Cold War?
    Each other's intentions and actions
  • What was the primary outcome of the Cold War?
    Increased tensions without direct conflict
  • What did the Truman Doctrine pledge?
    Support to countries resisting communism
  • How much financial aid did the USA provide under the Marshall Plan?
    $400 million
  • What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?
    To rebuild European economies after the war
  • How did the Cold War affect superpower relations?
    Increased suspicion and competition
  • What were the key events leading to the Cold War between 1945 and 1948?
    • Tensions from differing ideologies (capitalism vs communism)
    • USA's atomic bomb development and secrecy
    • Stalin's installation of pro-Soviet governments
    • Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech
  • What were the main ideological differences between the USA and USSR?
    • USA: Capitalism, private enterprise, political freedom
    • USSR: Communism, state control, one-party rule