Cold War

Cards (194)

  • What were the main countries in the Grand Alliance during World War Two?
    Britain, the USA, and the USSR
  • What united the Grand Alliance during World War Two?
    Desire to defeat Nazi Germany
  • What was discussed at the Tehran Conference?
    Plans to defeat the Nazis and post-war Europe
  • How did Britain and the USA's political views differ from the USSR's?
    They were politically very different
  • What did Churchill and Roosevelt agree regarding Eastern Europe after the war?
    USSR could claim a sphere of influence
  • What were the key decisions made at the Yalta Conference in February 1945?
    • Free elections in Eastern Europe
    • United Nations to replace League of Nations
  • How did the USA and Britain interpret 'free elections' differently from Stalin?
    They saw it as competitive voting, Stalin did not
  • What significant event occurred in May 1945 regarding Germany?
    Germany surrendered
  • What agreements were made at the Potsdam Conference?
    • New boundaries of Poland agreed
    • Division of Germany and Berlin among Allies
    • Nazi leaders to be tried for war crimes
  • What remained undecided at the Potsdam Conference regarding Germany?
    When the zones could rejoin as a country
  • How did Truman's leadership differ from Roosevelt's regarding the USSR?
    Truman was more suspicious and uncompromising
  • Why were Britain and the USA alarmed by Stalin's actions in Poland?
    He installed a pro-communist government
  • What were the ideological differences between the USA and the USSR?
    USA was capitalist, USSR was communist
  • What does communism advocate regarding industry and agriculture?
    State control of industry and agriculture
  • What was the 'American Dream'?
    Anyone could work their way to the top
  • What was the USSR's political structure?
    Only allowed one political party
  • How did the USA view communism?
    As a danger to their interests
  • What did the USSR fear about the USA?
    Worldwide American influence
  • What two countries emerged as superpowers after World War II?
    USA and USSR
  • How did the USA keep the atom bomb a secret from the USSR?
    Details were not shared at Potsdam
  • What cities were destroyed by the USA's atom bombs in August 1945?
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Why did Truman refuse to allow the USSR to occupy Japan?
    Military help from the USSR wasn't needed
  • How did the atom bombs affect the USA's status?
    Boosted status as the only nuclear power
  • How did Stalin react to the USA's development of the atom bomb?
    He saw it as an attempt to intimidate
  • What was the impact of the atom bombs on USA-USSR relations?
    Increased rivalry and arms race
  • What did the Red Army occupy after World War II?
    Eastern Europe
  • What type of governments did Stalin install in Eastern Europe?
    Pro-Soviet puppet governments
  • What were the exceptions to Soviet domination in Eastern Europe?
    • Yugoslavia remained independent
    • Tito argued with Stalin over interference
  • What term describes the division between East and West during the Cold War?
    Iron Curtain
  • What did Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech signify?
    Isolation of the Grand Alliance from the USSR
  • What were the key points of the Long Telegram issued in February 1946?
    • Stalin's speech against capitalism
    • USSR's intent to weaken Western powers
  • What were the key points of the Novikov Telegram issued in September 1946?
    • USA pursuing world supremacy
    • USA limiting USSR's influence in Europe
  • How did the secret telegrams affect the Cold War?
    They confirmed fears and escalated tensions
  • What was the Truman Doctrine announced in March 1947?
    Support for nations threatened by communism
  • How much aid did the USA provide to Turkey and Greece under the Truman Doctrine?
    $400 million
  • What was the Marshall Plan announced in June 1947?
    • $17 billion aid to rebuild European economies
    • Benefited areas of Germany under Western occupation
  • How did Stalin react to the Marshall Plan?
    Ordered satellite states to reject it
  • What was the Cominform established in 1947?
    Communist Information Bureau for European parties
  • What was the purpose of the Comecon established in 1949?
    Counter the Marshall Plan with economic aid
  • What were the consequences of the Berlin Crisis in 1948?
    • Increased division of Germany
    • Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact