radon gas

Cards (17)

  • Radon: 
    • Radioactive 
    • Colourless 
    • Odourless 
    • Tasteless 
    • Noble gas 
  • Produced from the decay of uranium and thorium and has a half life of 3.8 days. 
  • Radon is very dense and remains a gas under normal conditions, 8 times denser than air. 
  • Radon is found in silicic rocks like granite and rhyolite
  • Radon is found in organic rich shales and rocks that contain phosphate 
  • Radon is found in metamorphic rocks like schist and gneiss
  • Radon is measured in becquerel
  • Radon dust can be breathed in, and trapped in lungs causing radiation damage to tissues increasing the chances of lung cancer. 
  • The higher the radon, the longer the exposure and the greater the risk. 
  • Radon causes 1000 deaths per year from lung cancer, almost half of this population smoked too. 
  • Government policies include targeting areas of the country where 1 % of the homes are above the action level (200). 
  • Two radon detectors are placed in a living area and a bedroom. After 3 months the detectors are sent for analysis. 
  • Radon escapes from the ground into homes. 
  • Reducing levels:
    • Open windows 
    • Air bricks above ground level 
    • Air pumps to pump out gas 
  • Reducing levels:
    • Seal cracks in floors and foundations 
    • Seal gaps where services utilities enter the house 
  • Reducing levels:
    • Install a sump beneath buildings to collect gas and pump it away 
  • Radon levels can indicate an earthquake and map faults.