Mass movement - landslides and unlithified deposits
Anticlines are unstable, tension joints allow percolation of water. Limb slippage may occur downstream.
Synclines are stable, but water may pass under dam in permeable beds.
Downstream dips are unstable, weight of the dam pushes down on bel=dding planes and water may leak.
Upstream dips are stable.
Horizontal beds are stable.
Dams should be build on one rock type.
Best place for dams are u shaped valleys and v shaped valleys. Narrow points mean less width of dam needed.
Ideally a syncline.
Concrete dams are arch shaped. Curved upstream to add strength, suitable for narrow gorges. Underlying rock must be competent with a high UCS.
Concrete dams can also be gravity dams. Held in place due to gravity due to mass of concrete. If found on impermeable, high UCS rocks it is very strong.
Can be hollow
Embankment dams are made of impermeable clay or concrete.