Endotherms are warm blooded - heat is generated by internal metabolic activity
Ectotherms are cold blooded - heat is obtained by external heat sources.
ectotherms are more vulnerable when temperatures are low because they lack energy to escape danger.
Ectotherms control body temperature by exposing themselves to the sun, taking shelter and gaining warmth from ground or making adjustments when temperature is too high.
Endotherms use behaviours to control body temperature and have physiological features to maintain core temperatures.
Endotherm thermoregulation:
Sweating - latent heat of vaporisation
Panting in animals with fur - evaporation from tongues
Lowering of body hair
Behaviour - sheltering in shade
Endotherm thermoregulation (cold):
Piloerection - hair
Increased metabolic rate - increasing respiration
Decreased sweating
Behaviour - sheltering, basking in sun
Smooth muscle contraction of arteriolesdecrease the size of the lumen. Less blood flows close to the surface of skin - blood flows through vesselsdeeper in epidermis. Less heat is lost by radiation. Nerve impulses from the hypothalamus trigger vasoconstriction.
Smooth muscle contraction of arteriolesincrease the size of the lumen. More blood flows close to the skin surface and more heat is lost by radiation.
Blood has a small temperature range because water has a high specific heat capacity.