Cards (26)

  • What are the three different measures of biodiversity?
    Species diversity, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity
  • What does species diversity refer to?
    Number of different species and individuals
  • What is genetic diversity?
    Variety of genes among individuals of one species
  • What does ecosystem diversity measure?
    Range of different habitats in an area
  • What is species richness?
    Number of different species in an area
  • Why is biodiversity important?
    It describes a range of habitats
  • What is a concern regarding biodiversity?
    High biodiversity decreasing over time
  • What human activity is mentioned as reducing biodiversity?
    Farming practices
  • What is one farming practice that reduces biodiversity?
    Destruction of hedgerows
  • What does selective breeding do to biodiversity?
    Narrows down the gene pool
  • What is monoculture?
    Growing one plant species in a field
  • How does overgrazing affect biodiversity?
    Reduces plants and affects food webs
  • What is a compromise in farming practices?
    Balancing farming needs and biodiversity conservation
  • What is the index of diversity used for?
    To measure biodiversity changes
  • How does the index of diversity differ from species richness?
    It includes the number of individuals per species
  • What is Simpsons index of diversity used for?
    Calculating biodiversity
  • What does capital N represent in the index of diversity formula?
    Total number of organisms of all species
  • What does lowercase n represent in the index of diversity formula?
    Population size of one species
  • What is the lowest value you can get in the index of diversity?
  • What does a larger index of diversity value indicate?
    Greater species diversity
  • What is the typical range for the index of diversity?
    Between three and six
  • If species A has 25 individuals, what is the calculation for the numerator in the index of diversity?
    25 times 24
  • What is the denominator in the index of diversity calculation?
    Sum of N times (n - 1)
  • What are the common farming practices that reduce biodiversity?
    • Destruction of hedgerows
    • Selective breeding
    • Monoculture
    • Overgrazing
    • Draining wetlands
  • What compromises can be made in farming to conserve biodiversity?
    • Limit hedgerow removal
    • Selective breeding in specific areas
    • Implement crop rotations
    • Grow diverse species in sections
  • What components of the index of diversity formula must be remembered for the exam?
    • Capital N: Total organisms of all species
    • Lowercase n: Population size of one species