Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis

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  • what IS Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypotheses maternal deprivation hypotheses ?
    If an Infant Is unable to form a continuous attachment with their mother during the critical period then they will be at risk of developing intellectual , behavioural and emotional difficulties.
  • how does Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis work ?
    If a baby is deprived from it's mother after forming an attachment the child begins to emotionally deteriorate.
  • what are the effects of deprivation?
    issues with intellectual, emotional and Physical development.
  • Explain how maternal deprivation effects intellectual development.
    A child suffering from maternal deprivation may experience abnormally low IQ.
  • Explain how maternal deprivation effects emotional development
    Bowlby identified affectionless psychopaths as a risk factor for deprivation. This is the total inability to feel any emotion for other people. This prevents the child from forming normal relationships throught their life. This is associated with criminal behaviour.
  • Explain how maternal deprivation effects physical development?
    Some psychologists said children with maternal deprivation grew to a smaller height than 'normal' children.
  • Explain Bowlby's 44 juvenile thieves experiment?
    44 criminal who were accused of stealing were refered to a clinic. Interviews took place with the thieves to see if they fit the criteria for affectionless psychopaths. As well as the parents to see if there was any maternal deprivation during the critical period.
  • What were the results of Bowlby's 44 juvenile thieves experiment?
    14/44 thieves could be described as affectionless psychopaths - meaning they lack affection, guilt and empathy.
    12/44 experienced prolonged seperation from mum during the critical period.
    Only 5 of the non-psychopaths experienced maternal deprivation.
    Only 2 of the control group (non thieves) had experienced maternal deprivation.
  • What was the conclusion of Bowlby's 44 Juvenile thieves experiment?
    Results clearly show that maternal deprivation during the critical period is linked to theiving behaviour and affectionless psychopathy. Which supports Bowlby's hypothesis.
  • What were the issues with Bowlby's study?
    Validity of the interview:
    - Bowlby himself conducted the interviews so there was no inter-rater reliability established.
    - Relying on patents memories being accurate is unreliable.
  • Explain Lewis experiment in 1954
    Replicated Bowlby's study with 500 teenagers. Found no link between maternal deprivation during the critical period and criminality or psychopathy. Shows no support for Bowlby at all.
  • Explain Spits and Wolf experiment (1946)
    Studied 100 'normal' children who became seriously depressed after staying in hospital. If the seperation lasted less than 3 months, the children recovered well. If the seperation lasted longer than 3 months the children never recovered. Supports Bowlby's hypothesis.
  • Explain Robertson and Robertson's experiement
    Studied a number of children who experienced maternal deprivation with their parents. They recorded the experiment .
    John - was put into a residential nursery when his mum went into hospital to have a baby.
    Laura - went into hospital for treatment.
    Visits from parents were sevearly limited.
  • Explain Robertson and Robertsons findings
    Children were so distressed at the seperation, even though it was only a few days, there was lasting negative effects.
    Supports Bowlby's theory that deprivation leads to emotional issues.
  • What are the implications of Bowlby's maternal deprivation theory?
    Allows parents to stay in hospital with they children, led to the start of key worker schemes in childcare to minimise effects of short term deprivation. And extensions on maternity leave.
  • What is an affectionless psychopath?
    Someone who has no feelings for other people - affection, guilt or empathy.