Intelligence is multifaceted and test measures 5 main forms of intellectual functioning and each measure is a primaryindex e.g. verbal comprehension that is assessed by 2 subjects
Trained testers administer the test face to face with individual children and it can last from 15 minutes to 3 hours
Produces separate scores for aspects of intellectual functioning & overall score measure of general ability called fullscaleIQ
Outline Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
Non verbal - less culture bias as not on language
Assess fluid intelligence and ability to identify meaningful patterns in complex info
60 items into 5 sets with 12 items each that are sequences of geometrical patterns and have to select appropriate pattern that is missing
Becomes increasingly difficult
Untimed & produces single raw score converted to standard score & IQ can be interpreted in context of wider population
Outline Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices
Adolescents and adults
Non verbal - less culture bias as not on language
Assess fluid intelligence and ability to identify meaningful patterns in complex info
48 items of choosing appropriate pattern that is missing from sequences of geometricalpatterns
Becomes increasingly difficult
Untimed & produces singe raw score converted to standard score & IQ can be interpreted in context of wider population
Outline Raven’s Colour Progressive Matrices
Children aged 4-7
Some children who do it have mental or physical disorders
Asses 36 items in colour or in black & white
Untimed & produces single raw score converted to standard score & IQ can be interpreted in context of wider population
Raven’s Progressive Matrices - outline Goodenough Harris Drawing Test
Students draw man, woman and child and analyse the features like limbs and absence of details to give an estimate of intelligence
What is the usefulness and effectiveness of Weschler Intelligence Scale?
Not culturallyrelative as not considered culturally fair as depends on language skills and may underestimate intelligence of people from cultures that value nonverbal skills over verbal ones
Watkins - reported internalreliability (test-retest) of it is 0.96 so it is reliable
High construct validity as many subscales measuring specific intellectual abilities
What is the usefulness and effectiveness of Raven’s Progressive Matrices?
Requires no specialist materials so easy to administer
No movement so can be used if individual has physical disabilities
Not culturally biased as no language so it is ideal for crosscultural research
Highly reliable and valid so quicker to administer
Standard (SPM) shows split half reliability of 0.9 and test-retest of 0.8
Training has to be extensive as simplicity leads to more subjective interpretation if not trained properly