Natural selection

Cards (9)

  • What is natural selection?
    The process of inherited characteristics changing
  • How does the environment influence natural selection?
    It determines breeding success of individuals
  • What causes differences in DNA base sequences?
  • What is the result of variation in a population?
    Differences in appearance, behavior, or function
  • What is the significance of competitive advantages in natural selection?
    They allow individuals to out-compete rivals
  • What does "survival of the fittest" mean in the context of natural selection?
    Those best suited to the environment survive
  • What happens to those that survive in natural selection?
    They reproduce
  • What occurs to advantageous alleles in a population?
    They are passed on to the next generation
  • What are the key steps in the process of natural selection?
    1. Mutations cause DNA differences
    2. Variation leads to differences in traits
    3. Competitive advantages allow out-competing for resources
    4. Survival of the fittest occurs
    5. Survivors reproduce
    6. Advantageous alleles are passed on