Cards (32)

  • How did Christianity influence beliefs about women?
    It viewed Eve as a temptress bringing sin
  • What does Eve being made from Adam's rib suggest?
    Her inferiority to men
  • Who believed that women's inferiority was inherent?
  • Who was Lilith in ancient texts?
    Adam's first wife who refused submission
  • What was Lilith linked to in earlier legends?
    A winged female demon killing children
  • What was a Christian idea of witchcraft?
    Making pacts with the devil
  • When was the Malleus Maleficarum written?
  • Why did Kramer write about women causing lust?
    He had sexual desires towards Helena
  • What were familiars commonly associated with?
  • What animal was often seen as a witch's companion?
    Black cat
  • What happened in the witch trial of 1566?
    A family cat was blamed for death
  • Who were midwives mostly in England and France during the mid-seventeenth century?
  • Where were women more likely to be midwives?
    Germanic territories
  • What did Italian schools teach women?
    Anatomy to become midwives
  • What substances did midwives use to alleviate pain during labor?
    Belladonna and Ergot
  • What percentage of women in England were healers or midwives in the 16th century?
  • Why were peasant healers in Switzerland convicted?
    For teaching women love potions
  • How were women perceived during the witch hunts?
    As physically and mentally weaker
  • Why were unmarried and widowed women seen as drains on the state?
    Surplus of women during the Thirty Years War
  • Why did women confess to witchcraft?
    Participation in herbology for survival
  • In which area were men accused of witchcraft for defending women?
  • What happened to nuns in mid-sixteenth century France?
    They were seen as witches and burnt
  • What was the purpose of the bridle worn by women?
    To silence women against norms
  • Why were women more vulnerable to prosecution?
    Isolation after moving to husbands' families
  • What was the Shrew's Fiddle used for?
    To immobilize dominating women
  • What was the Drunkard's Cloak used for?
    Punishment for public drunkenness
  • What percentage of accused witches in Iceland were male?
  • Why were children accused of witchcraft in Wurzburg?
    Due to hereditary witchcraft ideas
  • Who else was accused of witchcraft later in the seventeenth century?
    The elite
  • Was misogyny the most important factor in witch hunts?
    No, it was important but not the most
  • How did the church's messages about women influence witch hunts?
    Conveyed women as weaker and linked to evil
  • What was the overall impact of misogyny on witch hunts?
    It shaped the form but not the entirety