After the Kaiser left, Germany were left with the WeirmarRepublic, which was a democracy:
It had a weak government: lots of political parties couldnt agree leading to unstable governments, allowing extremist groups like Nazis gain power
Economic crisis: The country was poor and inflation was terrible, Treaty of Versailles mad things worse
Social division: German people were angry after the war, many didnt want a democracy but a strong leader
Article 48 of Weimar Republic lets the leader take over during emergencies, he could ignore the Reichstag and make laws himself, even take away people rights
This was used by the Nazis to seize power, showing how easily democracy can be destroyed
Wilhelm early life affected his ability to rule Germany negatively because he had a difficult relationship with his father (Frederick Wilhem) and had a physical disability (condition affected left arm)
He also instilled in him a belief that he had his own divine right to rule and a strong sense of personal authority, he often ignored expert advice and followed his own instincts
His childhood experiences made him a unpredictable ruler who played a significant role in escalating tensions that led to WorldWar 1
Kaiser Wilhem II broke away from his Chancellor (von Bismarck - who had unified Germany) 2 years after his coronation and began to control German politics under his New course
Wilhem II - what did he do?
Aggressive Foreign Policy - he built up the German navy to rival Britain's and involved himself in a series of matters that caused tension in Europe
Military Build up - he reflected his belief in importance of militarypower: oversaw significant increase in Germanys military strength
World Ware 1 - his actions and policies contributed to outbreak of the first World War, he escalated tensions with complex web of alliances, support of Austria against Serbia
Wilhem - difficulties of ruling Germany
Rapid indrustrilisation caused increase in working class and bad working conditions, people wanted change
This lead to rise in the social democratic party (SPD), causing a threat to the Kaisers power
To solve this, the Kaiser passed laws encouraging nationalism and military pride
Treaty of Versailles
Germans unhappy as article 231 stated Germany and its allies are fully to be blamed for the war, Germans believe they entered war as act of defense
Reparations of £6.6 billion, Germans found it humiliating
Disarmament - Germany limited to 100,000 troops, disbanded air force, no navy, Germans argued this was too extreme
Germany lost 13% of its land
Germany lost colonies
Why was the Treaty of Versailles viewed negatively by many Germans?