Cards (12)

  • what was the moral case for the emancipation of serfs?
    Nicholas I had named it evil, palpable and a virus t all
    • Turgenev portrays them as humans
    • Majority of nobels don’t accept this though
  • what was the risk of revoltsrole?
    • disturbances had increased since 19840’s
    • Better to abolish it above then serfs doing it themselves
    • the army were majority serfs so they coulent be controlled which threatens tsar
  • what was the Crimean wars role?
    • It highlighted the state of the army
    • needed a smaller, better skilled army
    • question of loyalty emerges - how long will the serfs remain loyal
  • what were the economic reasons?
    • Adam smith - Labour was better than forced Labour
    • Britain didnt use it
    • greater incentive for peasants t worj harder - gain surplus - exports gain money - mobile peasants - Russia gets rich
  • what was the preparation?
    • thousands of officials and committees set up to tackle 51 million serfs
  • what were the main considerations?
    • should the serfs be freed with or without land
    • if theyre given land, how much?
    • How is this paid for?
    • compensation for nobility?
    • should nobility retain judicial and economic control of serfs?
  • 1859 - editing commission set up
  • the emancipation occurred on the 19th of february 1861
  • what were the statutes?
    • abolished seRadom
    • can buy land around their houses
    • redemption payments over 49 years for land
    • still under Mir control
    • Nobility play role in policing
    • aren’t compensated for labour loss only land loss
  • how was serfdom implemented?
    • two year transitional period - still had obligations to nobles
    • This gave time for Land division
    • recieved slightly less land than they’d worked whilst nobility retained better plots
    • Landowners chargers higher than value for land
    • Internal passports stop peasants leaving without payments
  • what were the consequences?
    • Over 1000 disturbances during 1861 - one including 10k invlved in one
    • nobles felt it was unfair and started leaning towards the idea of a parliament - nobility couldn’t afford old life
    • mourned loss of power
    • many of payments went to fulfill previous debt and mortgages
    • 1862 - 1905 - landholdings fell - 87 to 50 million desyatina
    • radical Intelligensia felt it protected nobles
    • kulaks emerge - rich Peasnats who rent land
  • who is blamed for it?
    milyutin who is sacked