Refers to a one-sided relationship with a celebrity, prominent person in the community or fictional character.
The 'fan' wants to know everything about the subject or their adoration & feels very close to them, but there's no chance of reciprocity as the object of their affection knows nothing of their existence.
Parasocial Relationships:
The expansion of mass media like TV & internet can give viewers so much information about an individual that it gives the illusion of a face-to-face relationship.
The object of a parasocial relationship becomes an excessively meaningful figure in the person's life & they may expend a lot of emotional energy, interest & time on them- without any reciprocation.
Levels of parasocial relationships:
Giles & Maltby (2006) used the Celebrity Attitude Scale in a large scale survey & classified responses into 3 levels of behaviours & beliefs linked to relationships with celebrities:
1-Entertainment- least extreme, most people engage at this level; person sees the celebrity as a source of entertainment & may speak about them with like-minded friends.
2-Intense-personal- occurs when people connect aspects of the celebrity to own identity, may have strong feeling they should have a real life relationship with the celebrity & believe they share a kinship
Levels of parasocial relationships:
3- Borderline-pathological- describes the actions of someone who displays obsessive behaviours relating to a celebrity, may invest a large number of resources into meeting or attempting to befriend the celebrity, eg sending them personal gifts.
The Absorption Addiction Model:
Proposed by mcCutcheon (2002) & refers closely to the 3 levels
Proposed that parasocial relationships form due to deficits in people's relationships, eg caused by shyness, loneliness, past trauma etc.
Parasocial relationships enable a sense of identity which the individual is otherwise lacking & a form of escapism, by finding fulfillment in the sense of purpose & excitement from celebrity following.
Absorption- refers to the increased time & energy the individual dedicates to the parasocial relationship (researching facts about them, playing their music, buying tickets to see them live etc).
Addiction- parasocial relationship becomes addictive & the individual becomes more & more obsessed with the celebrity, often engaging in increasingly risky behaviours, like stalking, in order to increase the sense of closeness to their obsession.
Attachment Theory Explanation:
Cole & Leets researched why some people are more likely to develop parasocial relationships & found attachment style created a significant effect.
Insecure-resistant individuals were more likely to enter a parasocial bond possibly as a means of satisfying their unrealistic & often unmet desire for intimacy & parasocial relationships don't have the threat of rejection or abandonment- they are often clingy & needy, but fear rejection too much to engage in normal romantic relationships.
Evaluation of levels of PSR & Absorption Addiction Model- strength:
Research support relating to levels of PSR- Maltby et al assessed the relationship between personality & PSR level.
Healthy personality characteristics (sociability) linked to lowest level (entertainment social).
However, personality characteristics linked to anxiety & depression were linked to the intense-personal level of PSR, impacting the role of mental health in progression through the levels.
Supports the existence of the levels & the proposed methods of progression.
Evaluation of levels of PSR & Absorption Addiction Model- strength:
Research support relating to levels of PSR- Maltby et al measured the link between celebrity worship & body image in teenagers.
Found that teenage girls who were at the intense-personal level of celebrity worship tended to have a poor body image, especially if they particularly admired a celebrity's physical appearance.
Supports the existence of the levels & the proposed methods of progression.
Evaluation of levels of PSR & Absorption Addiction Model- weakness:
However, Maltby et al measuring the link between celebrity worship & body image in teenagers, is correlational research that cannot establish cause & effect, as it could be that the PSR causes the poor body image rather than the other way round.
Evaluation of levels of PSR & Absorption Addiction Model- weakness:
Limitation of the research on parasocial relationships, is that studies into PSR rely heavily on self-report methods, such as interviews & questionnaires.
These methods may not reflect the true picture, as PPs may want to answer in a way that reflects them in a better light (social desirability bias) & may not respond truthfully to the questions.
This means that the reasons for developing PSR may be different from those uncovered by research, lowering the validity of these explanations, making less applicable to real life