employee-employer relationships

Cards (9)

  • Employment law in the UK requires employers to involve employees in the following
    Proposed redundancy programmes
    • When employees are transferred from one employer to another (e.g. the sale of the business)
    • On changes to pension arrangements
    • Proposed changes to working time arrangements
  • Advantages of employee representation
    Increased empowerment and motivation of the workforce
    Employees become more committed to the objectives and strategy of the business
    Better decision-making because employee experience and insights taken into account
    Lower risk of industrial disputes
  • Disadvantages of employee representation
    Time-consuming – potentially slows decision-making
    Conflicts between employer and employee interests may be a block to essential change
    Managers may feel their authority is being undermined
  • Role of Trade Unions
    • Protect and improve the real incomes of their members
    • Provide or improve job security
    • Protect workers against unfair dismissal and other issues relating to employment legislation
    • Lobby for better working conditions
    • Offer a range of other work-related services including support for people claiming compensation for injuries sustained in a job
  • key reasons for declining trade union membership
    • Decline in employment in manufacturing
    • Increased employment in the service sector where unions are less well established
    • Growth in the number of small firms which tend not to recognise trade unions
    • Significant growth in flexible working where employees see less need for union protection
    • Improved employee involvement in the workplace
  • Industrial Action
    Overtime ban
  • How to avoid industrial disputes
    • Regular consultations with a trade union - pick up problems before they escalate
    • A staff forum or joint working group to pass on information and collect ideas from workers and consult with workers
    • An employee consultative body to discuss major issues as they arise
    • Team and group meetings and feedback sessions
  • Works Councils
    formal a group of employees representing a workforce in discussions with their employers.
  • Settling Industrial Disputes
    Conciliation • Used when an employee is making, or could make, a specific complaint against their employer to an employment tribunal
    Arbitration • An alternative to a court of law
    Mediation • Involves an independent, impartial person helping two or more individuals or groups reach a solution that's acceptable to everyone