chapter 15

Cards (72)

  • What is the main way bacteria respond to environmental changes?
    By regulating transcription
  • Why have bacteria evolved to produce only necessary products?
    Natural selection favored this efficiency
  • How can a prokaryotic cell regulate enzyme production?
    Through feedback inhibition or gene regulation
  • What model controls gene expression in bacteria?
    The operon model
  • What is an operon?
    • A group of functionally related genes
    • Controlled by a single on-off switch
    • Includes operator, promoter, and controlled genes
  • What is the role of the operator in an operon?
    It acts as a regulatory switch
  • How can an operon be switched off?
    By a protein repressor binding to the operator
  • What does a repressor do in gene transcription?
    It blocks RNA polymerase
  • What determines the activity of a repressor?
    The presence of other molecules
  • What is a corepressor?
    A molecule that helps a repressor switch off an operon
  • What is the default state of the trp operon?
    It is on and transcribes genes
  • What happens when tryptophan is present in relation to the trp operon?
    Tryptophan binds to the repressor, turning the operon off
  • What are the two types of negative gene regulation in operons?
    • Repressible operon: usually on, repressor shuts off transcription
    • Inducible operon: usually off, inducer activates transcription
  • What is the lac operon responsible for?
    Hydrolysis and metabolism of lactose
  • What is the state of the lac repressor when lactose is absent?
    It is active and switches the lac operon off
  • What role does allolactose play in the lac operon?
    It inactivates the repressor to turn on the operon
  • What happens to the lac operon when lactose is present?
    The repressor becomes inactive, allowing transcription
  • What type of pathways do inducible enzymes typically function in?
    Catabolic pathways
  • What type of pathways do repressible enzymes typically function in?
    Anabolic pathways
  • How does gene regulation differ between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
    • Prokaryotes: primarily at transcription
    • Eukaryotes: at multiple stages including transcription, RNA processing, and translation
  • What is differential gene expression?
    Expression of different genes in identical cells
  • What can errors in gene expression lead to?
    Imbalances and diseases like cancer
  • What stages can gene expression be regulated in eukaryotic cells?
    1. Chromatin modification
    2. RNA processing
    3. Translation
    4. Protein processing
    5. Degradation of mRNA and proteins
  • What is the role of chromatin in gene expression?
    It regulates accessibility of DNA for transcription
  • What are histones?
    Proteins that pack DNA in chromatin
  • What is euchromatin?
    Loosely packed chromatin accessible for transcription
  • What is heterochromatin?
    Tightly packed chromatin that is less accessible
  • How do histone modifications affect gene expression?
    They can loosen or tighten chromatin structure
  • What is the effect of DNA methylation on transcription?
    It is associated with reduced transcription
  • How does chromatin modification influence gene expression?
    It alters the ability to bind transcription machinery
  • What is the significance of the cell cycle on chromatin structure?
    Chromatin packing changes during the cell cycle
  • What happens to chromatin during interphase?
    Most chromatin is loosely packed
  • What is the role of histone acetylation?
    It loosens chromatin structure for transcription
  • What is the effect of adding methyl groups to DNA?
    It can lead to long-term gene inactivation
  • How does the regulation of transcription initiation occur?
    Through chromatin modification affecting transcription machinery binding
  • What is the relationship between gene expression and cellular function?
    Gene expression determines cellular function and specialization
  • What effect does acetylation have on chromatin structure?
    It loosens chromatin structure
  • How does acetylation promote transcription?
    By loosening chromatin structure
  • What is DNA methylation?
    Addition of methyl groups to DNA
  • What is the effect of DNA methylation on transcription?
    It is associated with reduced transcription