top down

Cards (6)

  • The Top down approach:
    • Used by the FBI since 1970s
    • Behavioural science unit of FBI conducted in-depth interviews with 36 convicted sexual killers 
    • Concluded that data from crime scenes can be categorises into organised and disorganisedcrimes/criminals 
  • top down approach method:
    1. Data collection - profiler reviews evidence from crime scene
    2. Crime scene classification - organised or disorganisedpre-existing categories 
    3. Crime scene reconstruction - hypotheses in terms of sequence of events - behaviour of victim etc. 
    4. Profile generation -  hypotheses related to the likely offender. E.g - demographic background
  • Characteristics of an organised profile generation:
    • High intelligence
    • Usually Married/cohabiting 
    • Careful to cover their tracks
    Characteristics of a disorganised profile generation:
    • Low intelligence 
    • Lives alone
    • Unplanned and haphazard 
  • characteristics of disorganised and organised profiles is based on interviews with 36 sexual male murderers 
    • No standard questions (unstructured interviews were used)
    • Poor/small sample
    • Unscientific
  • limitation of top-down approach - characteristics of disorganised and organised profiles is based on interviews with 36 sexual male murderers 
    • No standard questions (unstructured interviews were used)
    • Poor/small sample
    • Unscientific
    • Liars/manipulators being questioned
    • meaning that we can only apply the method to sexually motivated murderers. So this is not a valid method as there is limited application to other crimes
  • Meekta used top down profiling in burglaries and had an 85% success rate when creating an accurate profile, shows it may be effective at classifying other crimes