unit 1 - medieval medicine

Cards (26)

  • Who was Hippocrates
    • Greek physician/ doctor who was one of the first to use rational medicine
    • Developed the theory of the four humours
    • Observed the body as a whole instead of individual parts
  • How did Hippocrates help the development of medicine
    • Created the Hippocrates oath which is still used today
    • believed that all illnesses had a natural cause instead of the church’s idea that is was to do with supernatural / God
  • Who was Galen
    • greek physician who built on Hippocrates‘ ideas and added his own ideas
    • Worked in a gladiator school which allowed him to further develop study of human anatomy
    • Used pigs and monkeys to develop understanding of anatomy
  • How did Galen help develop medicine
    • Discovered ideas of the brain
    • Mentioned a ‘creator‘ in his work so the church supported him
  • What were the four humours
    • Yellow bile
    • Black bile
    • Phlegm
    • Blood
  • What were Christian views on medicine
    • Jesus healed the sick so they followed this example and built hospitals
    • Diseases were sent by God so they cared for patients instead of treated them
    • Encouraged prayer and pilgrimage as best treatments
  • How did the christian church help develop medicine
    • They controlled universities so promoted old ideas to medieval doctors rather than new ideas
    • used Galen’s ideas
  • What were Islamic views on medicine
    • Believed every illness had a cure
    • Illness was seen as a misfortune that had to be fixed so focused on curing the patient
  • How did Islam help develop medicine
    • Translated many Greek medical work into Arabic which developed their understanding of medicine
    • Avicenna wrote the Canon of Medicine containing discoveries that were spread throughout Western Europe
    • Set up hospitals that treated all patients and trained doctors
  • Why were towns and cities so unhealthy
    • People lived very close together
    • Clean water was in short supply and was usually from rivers and streams that were contaminated
    • Butchers slaughtered animals and didn’t know where to put the waste
    • cesspits were built next to wells which contaminated them
    • Horses on the streets
    • No sewers
  • How did monasteries help
    • Got water from upstream meaning it wasnt contaminated
    • Had gardens which grew plants and herbs for medicines
    • Usually were far from towns
    • Had filtering systems and pipes to deliver water
    • Had a hospital attached to them
  • What were main beliefs on what caused diseases
    • Punishment from God
    • Supernatural
    • Bad smells
    • The four humours
  • Who were common people who treated diseases
    • Barber surgeons who did minor surgeries such as tooth extraction and bloodletting
    • Trained doctors - mainly for the rich
    • Local wise woman who used herbs to produce medicines
    • Apothecary - who sold medicines, herbs and spices
  • What common treatment involved the removal of blood to balance the four humours
  • Why would people whip themselves if they were ill
    Thought illnesses were punishments from God meaning they whipped themselves to punish themselves for their sins
  • What treatments involved burning the wound to stop blood flow with a heated iron
  • What treatments did the church recommend
    Praying and pilgrimages
  • What was trepanning
    Drilling a hole into the patients skull to remove the demon that they thought caused epilepsy
  • what was the Black Death
    A pandemic that swept across europe which killed a third of the population and damaged the reputation of the church
  • What were the two diseases that the Black Death was made up of
    bubonic and pneumonic plague
  • What were symptoms of the plague
    • Lumps around the body
    • black spots on arms and thighs
    • Vomiting and aches
  • What were beliefs on the causes of the Black Death
    • Miasma (theory of bad smells)
    • Imbalance of the four humours
    • Punishment from God
  • What were common treatments of the Black Death
    • Bloodletting, to balance the four humours
    • Whipping - flagellants would do this
    • Pop open buboes
    • Attach chicken onto buboes
  • What were ways the Black Death was prevented
    • People carried around sweet smelling herbs to avoid bad smells
    • Praying to God
    • avoiding victims
  • What was the impact of the Black Death
    • Killed a third of the population
    • Fields went unploughed leading to food shortages and increased prices
    • reputation of church was damaged as it ‘failed to protect’ its people
  • What were hospitals set up by the islamic religion called