Filter Theory

Cards (4)

  • Filter Theory
    -Proposed by Kerchoff and Davis
    -Each person imposes a series of filters that reduce a large 'field of available' down to small number of people called field of 'desirables'.
    -Screening happens - eliminates unsuitable partners.
  • Social demography
    -shared social demographics like age, school, job, location/proximity or religious beliefs.
    -more demographics you share more likely you are to meet.
  • Similarities in attitudes
    -Couples use self disclosure to see if they have shared attitudes, values, interests and are more likely to be compatible so the relationship moves to 3rd filter.
  • Complementary of emotional needs:
    -Both have qualities each other seeks.
    -Both partners seek emotional qualities that the other lacks but values.
    -E.g. if one person is more nurturing than the other and the other likes to be nurtured.
    -Once passed through all filters it can lead to a long term partner who us attractive to you.