Cards (3)

  • Underestimates other filters:
    -it doesn't take into account physical attractiveness, how it can be an additional filter to reduce the field of availables to desirables.
  • Cultural bias:
    -Supporting research used PP from individualistic western cultures.
    -Individualistic cultures value free will with regard to relationship choice.
    -However, not an adequate explanation for collectivist cultures.
  • Research support - Kerchoff and Davis
    -Longitudinal study with 94 dating couples.
    -Each partner completed a questionnaire and 7 months later, they completed another questionnaire assessing how close they feel to the partner.
    -Significant difference between couples in short-term and long-term relationships.
    -Short-term couples (dating less than 18 months) was a significant predictor of how close they feel to partner. Long-term couples who were dating (longer than 18 months) complementary of emotional need was predictive of relationship intimacy.