Strength1- There is research to support those with an internal LOC being less likely to conform.
Spector(1983) Studied 157 students those with high internal LOC were less likely to conform than those with high external LOC but only in situations with NSI.
There was no difference between the two groups for ISI.
This suggests that internal LOC is important in resisting conformity but not when concerned with NSI.
Strength2- There is research support for those with an internal LOC being less likely to obey.
Oliner and Oliner- Interviewed non-Jewish survivors of WW2 and compared those who resisted orders and protected Jewish people, from those who had not.
Found 906'rescuers' had a high internal LOC compared to 126 of those that followed the orders.
This suggests that personality differences in the form of LOC, will determine whether people obey or not.