Cards (8)

  • Strength 1- There is research to support those with an internal LOC being less likely to conform.
  • Spector(1983) Studied 157 students those with high internal LOC were less likely to conform than those with high external LOC but only in situations with NSI.
  • There was no difference between the two groups for ISI.
  • This suggests that internal LOC is important in resisting conformity but not when concerned with NSI.
  • Strength 2- There is research support for those with an internal LOC being less likely to obey.
  • Oliner and Oliner- Interviewed non-Jewish survivors of WW2 and compared those who resisted orders and protected Jewish people, from those who had not.
  • Found 906 'rescuers' had a high internal LOC compared to 126 of those that followed the orders.
  • This suggests that personality differences in the form of LOC, will determine whether people obey or not.