Informal Sources of Presidential Power

Cards (27)

  • Informal sources of presidential power include
    • electoral mandate
    • executive orders
    • key national events
  • Informal powers are not states in the Constitution
  • Being elected gives the president what?
    The mandate to carry out policies outlined in the election campaign
  • An electoral mandate is important as a president elected with a large majority has a stronger mandate to carry out their policies than a president with a smaller majority of the vote
  • Obama’s percentage of the popular vote in 2008
    52.9 %
  • Bush’s percentage of the popular vote
    47.9 % (less than Al Gore)
  • Why is an electoral mandate limited in the power it gives to the president?
    Congress can block the president’s legislative proposals
  • Obama won a large victory in the 2008 election but after the 2010 midterms, lots of legislation was blocked by the House of Representatives in Congress, where the Republicans had a majority
  • What are executive orders?
    A directive issued by the President that has the force of law. It allows the President to manage operations within the federal government without needing approval from Congress
  • Why can specific national events give the president power?
    They enable the president to become a symbol of national unity and highly popular. E.g. Bush gained lots of support after 9/11 attacks and had the power to begin his war on terror
  • What is the cabinet?
    A group of advisors to the President made up of the heads of executive departments and other key officials.
  • Where does the president choose the cabinet members mainly from?
    Congress, city mayors, state governments or academics from universities
  • What can cabinet members not so be?
    Congress (due to separation of power)
  • Cabinet meetings can be used by presidents to check on legislation of interest to them which is passing through Congress
  • How does the Cabinet give the President power?
    The Cabinet strengthens the President’s power by providing expert advice, helping implement policies, and managing federal agencies. By overseeing major government functions, Cabinet members allow the President to influence a wide range of issues without directly handling every detail.
  • the cabinet fulfills key functions for cabinet members, including resolving disputes between government departments and provides a chance for interaction with the president
  • Why might the cabinet be insignificant? #1
    EXOP has grown in importance for the president with more access than the cabinet and has become the main source of advice for the president
  • Why might the cabinet be insignificant? #2
    The Constitution gives all executive power to the president rather than the cabinet, with cabinet members not equals of the president
  • Cabinet members may have divided loyalties and may have loyalties other than to the president, including loyalty to their own department
  • What is the Executive Office of the President?
    An organisation that consists of multiple offices and agencies that help the President carry out executive duties such as making policy decisions, managing the federal government and communicating with Congress and the public
  • Offices in the EXOP include:
    • The White House Office
    • The Office of Management and Budget
    • The National Security Council
    • The Council of Economic Advisers
  • What does the White House Office do?
    Advisors and staff working directly with the President
  • What does the Office of Management and Budget do?
    Oversees federal spending and policy implementation
  • What does the National Security Council do?
    Advises on national security and foreign policy
  • What does the Council of Economic Advisers do?
    Provides economic policy advice
  • The White House Office‘s members are meant to be anonymous and act as impartial advisors rather than policymakers
  • The White House Office is composed of over 30 offices including the Office of Political Affairs and National Economic Council and is run by the Office of the Chief of Staff