digestion and absorption

Cards (7)

  • Micelle formation+lipid absorption: fatty acids+monoglycerides leave micelles and enter epithelial cell, fatty acids form triglyceride, fatty globules combine with proteins and form chylomicrons, chylomicrons are removed from cell and lymph transports chylomicrons away from intestine
  • tissue fluid forms at the atrial end of capillary, high hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from blood plasma out of capillary, forming tissue fluid
  • tissue fluid contains few proteins as most are to large to move out of gaps in capillary walls
  • digestion of lipids- bile emulsifies lipids and breaks them down to smaller drop of fat so it is easier for lipase to hydrolyse them
  • explain how water from tissue fluid is returned to circulatory system
    • plasma remains in the blood, creating a water potential gradient
    • water moves via osmosis and returns to blood by lymphatic system
  • what is digestion?
    the hydrolysis of large insoluble molecules into smaller molecules that can be absorbed across membranes
  • Explain why oxygen uptake is a measure of metabolic rate in organisms?
    Oxygen is used in respiration, which provides
    energy in the form of ATP