The purchase of land, equipment or buildings or the construction of new equipment or buildings by a foreign MNC. Also refers to the purchase of a controlling interest in existing operations and businesses by a foreign MNC.
A firm with a base of operations in more than one country
MNC transfers
Technologies of production
Tastes and styles of living
Managerial services
Business practices eg marketing restrictions, advertising
Focus on profit not development
MNC benefits from locating in LEDCs
Lower costs: exploitation of raw materials, agricultural potential due to agribusiness, use of low-wage, non-unionised labour, fewer legal restrictions
Higher revenues: access growing domestic markets and safeguard their position
Can be beneficiaries of aid in form of tax breaks, subsidies and grants
Effect of FDI on BOP
Initially an inflow as the MNC brings investment to the country
An outflow due to MNCS importing capital goods
Goods produced by MNCs may be exported and create an inflow
Long run profits will be repatriated so is an outflow
Impact of FDI on AS/AD
FDI results in increased investment, increasing AD, creating multiplier and an increase in GDP
In long run, investment increases LRAS as it increases quantity and quality of capital, leading to long run economic growth
Also rightward shift of LRAS due to infrastructure improvements, and MNCs providing education, housing, healthcare to workers
FDI on inflation
As FDI increases investment and AD, it could be inflationary due to demand-pull inflation. Should be limited by an increase in AS
Yet there may also be cost-push inflation due to a tight labour market: wage-price spiral
Benefits of FDI
Provision and transfer of expertise in finance and management, where LEDC firms lack expertise
Better access to export marled as local managers can learn from MNCs
Provision of employment
Development of local support industries eg cleaning, maintenance
Technology transfer (increases LRAS)
Tax revenue
Plug savings gap
Inflow to balance of payments
Problems of FDI
MNCs stifle domestic competition, failure to reinvest
MNCs influence government policies eg liberal tax concessions
Low tax competition- less funding for welfare state
Transfer pricing
Technology may be inappropriate eg unskilled labour force
Negative impact of BOP
Produce unaffordable products for LEDCs
The process through which national economies have become increasingly integrated and interdependent
Economic integration
The merging together of national economies and the blurring of boundaries that separate economic activity in one nation state from another
Barriers to trade
Removed through economic integration
Tariffs, quotas, government subsidies, tax, exchange rates, barriers to entry, regulatory barriers, national qualifications
Characteristics of globalisation
Greater trade in goods, financial capital and technology
Greater specialisation, labour migration
Development of global brands
Inclusion of more economies in the global trading system
Causes of globalisation
Reduced transport costs eg containerisation
Improved communication
Reduction in trade barriers
Removal of exchange controls
Deregulation of domestic financial markets- easier to buy/ sell assets abroad
Rise of MNCs
Growth of trading blocs
Trading blocs
A group of countries that enter into an agreement to reduce barriers to trade between members eg the EU, NAFTA
Benefits of globalisation
Use of specialisation with comparative advantage- operate outside PPF
Economies of scale
Greater competition- drives efficiency
Higher GDP and living standards
Improved allocative efficiency- more mobile resources
Benefits of FDI eg increased AD and AS
Increase development eg infrastructure
Technology development
Costs of globalisation
Primary product dependency and declining terms of trade trap into low development
Lack of access to developed markets due to trade barriers
Competition causes lack of wage laws, tax competition
Benefits developed more
Temporary gains in employment- footloose
Automation reduces employment
Environmental costs
Brain drain
Depress wages due to increased supply from migration in MEDCs