Arrests, Trial, Conviction and Custody

Cards (11)

  • 2018/19: the arrest rate 3X the rate than white people
  • Black and Asian arrestees less likely to receive a caution 
  •  Members of minority ethnic groups less likely to deny the charge and thus they cannot be let off with a caution
  • Bowling and Phillips 2002: CPS more likely to drop cases against minorities as the evidence is often weaker and based on stereotypes 
  • When cases go ahead, minorities more likely to elect a jury in a crown court instead of a judge in magistrates court despite the sentence being usually less 
  • Black and Asian defendants less likely to be guilty 
  • Black offenders imprisonment rates one percentage point higher and Asian imprisonment rate 1.4 points higher than white offenders. 
  • Hood 1992: even when those factors were taken into account, Black men 5% more likely to receive a custodial sentence 
  • Hudson and Bramhall 2005: PSRs allow for unwitting discrimination. Reports on Asian offenders were less comprehensive and PSRs suggested they were less remorseful than white offenders.  Placed in the context of 9/11
  • 2021: just over 1/4 of prison population were minorities. 
  • Black people 4X more likely to be in prison. Black and Asian offenders are more likely than white offenders to be serving longer sentences.