Shaffers stages of attachment

Cards (13)

  • What was the procedure of Shaffer and Emmerson's experiment
    They studies 60 Glaswegian babies from working class families. The babies and mothers were visited every month fro the first year and then again at 18 months. The mothers were questioned about stranger and seperation anxiety.
  • What was the findings of Shaffer and Emmerson's experiment
    Between 6-8 months, 50% of babies were showing seperation anxiety to PAF (primary attachment figure). Reciprocity was key in who the PAF is, whoever engaged most. By 10 months 80% had a PAF and 30% had a SAF (secondary attachment figure).
  • Explain the Ecological validity of Shaffer and Emmerson

    Babies and parents were being observed in their own home and mother knew their babies. Meaning there were no observer effects and good validity.
  • Explain the Longitudinal design of Shaffer and Emmerson's experiment

    The study took place over a long period of time, which meant that there is good internal validity as they can prove progress over time.
  • What are the stages of attachment?
    Asocial, indiscriminate, specific, multiple
  • Explain the asocial stage of attachment
    This takes place from 1-4 months, and they are only capable of minimal interaction. But the baby does recognise the PAF and they start to bond. Babies are happier in the presence of humans, but they interact no different to objects.
  • Explain the indiscriminate stage of attachment
    Takes place between 2-7 months, shows a preference for humans over objects, accepting comfort from any adult, no seperation or stranger anxiety and happier with familiar adults.
  • Explain the specific attachment
    At 7 months babies start to display anxiety to stranger and seperation anxiety from the PAF. The relationship with the PAF is established with the person that interacts most.
  • Explain the Multiple attachment
    At 10+ months the SAF (secondary attachment) starts to form. 30% have SAF by 10 months.
  • What are the issues with stages of attachment?
    Problems with observation, Conflicting evidence on multiple attachments and Measuring multiple attachments
  • Explain the problems with observations
    It is difficult for psychologists to make accurate judgements when babies are inmobile during the asocial stage.
  • Explain the conflicting evidence on multiple attachments
    Shaffer and Emmerson say SAF can only be established at 10 months. But in many collectivist cultures multiple attachments since birth is normal.
  • Explain how multiple attachments are measured
    The main measure is weather babies cry when adults leave the room - if they do the adult is the PAF. This could be incorrect as a baby can cry due to other factors.