
Cards (5)

  • Powerful - "conspiring with him how to load and bless"
    • shows how nature and sun can create food, which humans need to survive
    • without it they would die, so further empathises its importance and how dependent humans are on it
    • This also shows that it could easily kill animals
  • Fear - ‘sinking as the light wind lives or dies’
    • shows nature can’t be controlled, this may scare many people as its uncontrollable
    • Also shows that nature can change at any time
  • Circle of life - ‘Full grown lambs loud bleat’
    • the lambs were born in spring but now it’s their time to die
    • nobody lives forever
    • verb ‘bleat’ shows that they don’t want to die
  • Strong emotion - "soft dying day"
    • This refers to the gentle transition to autumn and how it changes
    • It also portrays death to be calm and gentle and not harsh
    • Which could link back to how the author feels about his death, and others may not have to same feelings about it
    • Adjective 'soft' shows that he has a feeling of tranquility
  • Fascination - "think not of them, thou hast music too"
    • This shows that even autumn has beautiful things although many don't notice it's beauty and don't admire it
    • However, it could link to the fact that he's dying and has only now noticed the beauty of it and is fascinated
    • This could further link to the fact that others only appreciate things when they're about to lose it