Boston possession case 1688 - 89 --> Cotton Mathers published his account of events in Boston where two you boys were supposedly possessed by Mary Glover
created a climate of heightened awareness of the dangers of witchcraft - Boston was the closest city to Salem
Salem as a highly literate society would've read about the case as it was accessible
What was the name of cotton mathers book on the Boston possession case?
Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possession
winter of 1691
severe and prolong
straining resources of the community
hardship and hunger
wet and mild summer
poorly stored food was eaten
King Williams War:
fighting between the English Settlers, Natives and the French
refugees from the northern territories told horror stories about the massacres of settlers by the native population
What accuser in Salem had fled from King Williams War?
Mercy Lewis
What was the ration of dead to living men due to King Williams War?
smallpox - was the main epidemic -- killed alot of the Native population, disfigured, innoculations not given
Ergotism - issue found with rye commonly grown for bread and the fungus present in the crop may have had hallucinogenic effect
Religious Zeal:
community of Salem were devout Puritans who fled England to set up a Godly State
Samuel Parris - gave a number of sermons preaching against the dangers of witchcraft and this could've exacerbated fears
hoped to have a theocracy but this was stopped
Weak central control:
1684 - old charter governing Massachusetts colony had lapsed
replaced by an unpopular Dominion of New England Status
Governor of the Dominion - Edward Andros - outsed during the Glorious revolution
Rivalries and emities:
600 residents in Salem Village
strained relations between the Putnams and Porters
Porters - commercial interests, lived on the east side
PUtnams - farmers on the west, set up their own institutions
Course of events:
Betty Parris and Abigail Williams have strange fits - beyond medical knowledge of the time
other girls show similar symptoms
Tituba makes witch cake, neighbours advice (European idea)
Girls name Tituba, Good and Osbourne as witches
Tituba names others
Ann Putnam accuses other women
George Burrows - May -- 62 in custody
New Charter for Colony
Trials begin
The Trials:
62 imprisoned by the end of May
hunt was spreading to other towns like Andover
Governor Phips set up a special court of Oyer and Terminer on the 27th May1692
Nine judges appointed - including Phips second in command Stoughton who was in charge due to the war
advised by Cotton Mather - believed in witches
advice from English PuritanPerkins -- spectral evidence if two witnesses
In May 1692, what court did Phips create?
Oyer and Terminer
The Process:
Grand Jury considered the evidence
if indicted - defendant sent on trial
trials were conducted in the English adversarial system
judges questioned witnesses and pressured jurors
prosecutors also questioned the defendant
defendants had no lawyer and had to speak for themselves
5 court sessions:
first - 2nd June
second - 30th June
Third - 2nd August
Fourth and Fifth - from 19th Sept - the end of the month
When did Phips disband the Court of Oyer and Terminer?
October 1692
What Court was set up in January 1693?
Superior court of Judicature. Remaining victims found not guilty or pardnoned
Atypical Witches:
number of men accused including 71 year oldGiles Corey
former Minister of Salem village killed (George Burrows)
Elders of the Church community like Rebecca Nurse found themselves accused
second wave were high up people
men killed for defending their wives
Cotton Mathers New Book:
1692 - Wonders of the Invisible World
justified the witch trials
Those who confessed went free:
guilt of those who had confessed to witchcraft was not considered until the end of the trial process
Phips disbanded the court in October and those who confessed went free
only those who denied being witches were executed - atypical views