Dynamics Salem

Cards (20)

  • Other well public cases:
    • Boston possession case 1688 - 89 --> Cotton Mathers published his account of events in Boston where two you boys were supposedly possessed by Mary Glover
    • created a climate of heightened awareness of the dangers of witchcraft - Boston was the closest city to Salem
    • Salem as a highly literate society would've read about the case as it was accessible
  • What was the name of cotton mathers book on the Boston possession case?
    Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possession
  • Weather:
    • winter of 1691
    • severe and prolong
    • straining resources of the community
    • hardship and hunger
    • wet and mild summer
    • poorly stored food was eaten
  • King Williams War:
    • fighting between the English Settlers, Natives and the French
    • refugees from the northern territories told horror stories about the massacres of settlers by the native population
  • What accuser in Salem had fled from King Williams War?
    Mercy Lewis
  • What was the ration of dead to living men due to King Williams War?
  • Disease:
    • smallpox - was the main epidemic -- killed alot of the Native population, disfigured, innoculations not given
    • Ergotism - issue found with rye commonly grown for bread and the fungus present in the crop may have had hallucinogenic effect
  • Religious Zeal:
    • community of Salem were devout Puritans who fled England to set up a Godly State
    • Samuel Parris - gave a number of sermons preaching against the dangers of witchcraft and this could've exacerbated fears
    • hoped to have a theocracy but this was stopped
  • Weak central control:
    • 1684 - old charter governing Massachusetts colony had lapsed
    • replaced by an unpopular Dominion of New England Status
    • Governor of the Dominion - Edward Andros - outsed during the Glorious revolution
  • Rivalries and emities:
    • 600 residents in Salem Village
    • strained relations between the Putnams and Porters
    • Porters - commercial interests, lived on the east side
    • PUtnams - farmers on the west, set up their own institutions
  • Course of events:
    • Betty Parris and Abigail Williams have strange fits - beyond medical knowledge of the time
    • other girls show similar symptoms
    • Tituba makes witch cake, neighbours advice (European idea)
    • Girls name Tituba, Good and Osbourne as witches
    • Tituba names others
    • Ann Putnam accuses other women
    • George Burrows - May -- 62 in custody
    • New Charter for Colony
    • Trials begin
  • The Trials:
    • 62 imprisoned by the end of May
    • hunt was spreading to other towns like Andover
    • Governor Phips set up a special court of Oyer and Terminer on the 27th May 1692
    • Nine judges appointed - including Phips second in command Stoughton who was in charge due to the war
    • advised by Cotton Mather - believed in witches
    • advice from English Puritan Perkins -- spectral evidence if two witnesses
  • In May 1692, what court did Phips create?
    Oyer and Terminer
  • The Process:
    • Grand Jury considered the evidence
    • if indicted - defendant sent on trial
    • trials were conducted in the English adversarial system
    • judges questioned witnesses and pressured jurors
    • prosecutors also questioned the defendant
    • defendants had no lawyer and had to speak for themselves
  • 5 court sessions:
    • first - 2nd June
    • second - 30th June
    • Third - 2nd August
    • Fourth and Fifth - from 19th Sept - the end of the month
  • When did Phips disband the Court of Oyer and Terminer?
    October 1692
  • What Court was set up in January 1693?
    Superior court of Judicature. Remaining victims found not guilty or pardnoned
  • Atypical Witches:
    • number of men accused including 71 year old Giles Corey
    • former Minister of Salem village killed (George Burrows)
    • Elders of the Church community like Rebecca Nurse found themselves accused
    • second wave were high up people
    • men killed for defending their wives
  • Cotton Mathers New Book:
    • 1692 - Wonders of the Invisible World
    • justified the witch trials
  • Those who confessed went free:
    • guilt of those who had confessed to witchcraft was not considered until the end of the trial process
    • Phips disbanded the court in October and those who confessed went free
    • only those who denied being witches were executed - atypical views