Groups within Society

Cards (9)

  • Social Groups
    ➔ Collection of Humans or Animals
    ➔ Share certain characteristics
    ➔ Interact with one another
    ➔ Accept expectations and obligations
    ➔ Share common identity
    ➔ More than aggregate of individuals
  • Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929)
    ➔ American Sociologist
    ➔ Concept of Primary and Secondary Groups
    ➔ Small Social Group
    ➔ Face to Face interaction
    ➔ Lasts for long period of time
    ➔ Essential in developing personal
    ➔ Large Social Group
    ➔ Impersonal and Task-Focused
    ➔ Goal-Oriented and Temporary
    ➔ Weak Emotional Ties
  • William Sumner (1840–1910)
    ➔ Concepts of In and Out Groups
    ➔ American Clergyman, Social Scientist
  • In-Groups
    ➔ Social Group which individuals feels he or
    she belongs to
    Examples: Basketball team, Religion, Fraternities
  • Out-Groups
    ➔ Group someone doesn’t belong to
    ➔ Individuals do not belong or identify
    ➔ Does not have any common sense of identity or affiliation tying
    Example: anyone who does not belong to group
  • Herbert Hyman
    ➔ American Sociologist
    ➔ First to use the term “reference group”
  • Reference Groups
    ➔ Standard for evaluating self and behavior
    ➔ Use to compare another group
    Examples: Celebrities, Heroes, Family