Social Stratifiction

Cards (6)

  • Social Desirables
    ● It is related to social acceptance, social approval, popularity, social
    status, leadership qualities, or any quality making him a socially
    desirable companion.
    ● Dictate how one should be treated in a society of inequality.
  • Social Stratification
    ● Systematic categorization of individuals and institutions in a society
    based on their roles or functions and statuses. Each individual is
    accorded with specific tasks or ascribed with a particular role to play
    in the society.
  • Theory of Stratification (Max Weber)
    Wealth - Encompasses the properties owned by an individual as well as
    his or her material assets and investment capital like money.
    Power - The capacity to influence or control the behavior of individuals
    and institutions, whether by persuasion or coercion
    Prestige - Defined as esteem, respect, or approval for culturally valued
    acts or qualities
  • Social Mobility
    ● Individual's ability to move from one place to another along
    stratified positions of society
    ● The ease or difficulty an individual experience in moving from one
    social position to another is highly dependent on the type of
    society he or she lives in.
    ● Education plays a vital role in social mobility. It allows people at
    the lower strata of society to move upward in the social order.
  • Caste System
    A) Dalits
    B) Shudras
    C) Vaishyas
    D) Kshatriyas
    E) Brahmins
  • Two Kinds of Society
    Open Society - A society is considered open when stratification is based on social classes, where people's social position or status are determined by economic wealth and income.
    In an open society people have the freedom to move from the bottom of the social ladder to the top through individual efforts and success.
    Closed Society - A society is considered closed when changes or shift in social positions or social mobility are limited; and in some societies even prohibited. In a closed society it prohibits a person from moving upward in the social ladder.