
Cards (47)

  • The Task Manager is a program provided by the operating system to monitor the system by displaying information about the computer's hardware configuration and the programs currently running.
  • Defragmentation is a process of moving the file fragments so that they are stored together on the hard drive which improves access time.
  • Storage sense is a Windows 10 OS feature to automatically free up space on your local hard drive. it deletes files which are not needed.
  • A Digital Assistant is also know as a Virtual Assistant.
  • A Digital Assistant is a program that understands voice commands and can perform electronic tasks for the user.
  • Examples of Digital Assistants include: Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and Alexa.
  • Artificial Intelligence is a branch of science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like manner.
  • Web-based software is software that is accessed through the internet. It runs directly off a server on the Internet.
  • Subscription-based software is software that is sold on a monthly or yearly basis. Office 365 is an example of this.
  • Compatibility refers to the ability of your software to work with the hardware and software installed on your computer or device.
  • Voice recognition software allows the computer to "understand" you when you talk to it.
  • Virtual Assistants is software that allows you to speak in a natural voice to your phone/tablet and have it "understand" and respond to what you say, based on the context.
  • Examples of Virtual Assistants include Siri and Alexa.
  • When Software "Freezes" it means that the program is non-responsive. At times you can't even close the open window.
  • A Software crash refers to software that cause the program or the computer to reboot.
  • Companies often release 'beta' version of their programs. This is a version that is not fully finished but is available for testing.
  • The quick fixes, new features and enhancements made available by software developers to their particular program are called patches. These are usually available frequently as downloadable updates.
  • The Operating system is system software that controls all activities that take place in a computer.
  • The OS provides the User Interface
  • The User Interface is known as the Graphical User interface. this means that the user interacts with the computer using icons and graphics
  • The Task Manager in Windows can be accessed by right clicking on the taskbar or by using the CTRL+Alt+Del keyboard shortcut.
  • A Single-user operating system indicates that only one person at a time can work on the computer. This OS does, however, allow you to switch between users and still remain logged in.
  • A Multi-user OS is usually installed on a server.
  • A Multi-user OS refers to an OS designed to have multiple users accessing the same computer at any time.
  • Examples of Multi-user OS include Linux and Server editions of Windows.
  • File names in Windows consist of 2 parts: File Name + File Extension
  • A File Path is the succession of folders that leads to the location of a specific file. For example c:\Documents\2023\January.docx
  • File Properties refer to basic info about a file. For example, file name, size and date modified.
  • Metadata is additional data stored about a file that describes the contents of the file, such as the author and title of the file.
  • A Scheduler is a program that is used to run certain programs at specific times.
  • Reasons File must be backed up include: files deleted, files accidently overwritten, files corrupted, files lost and disasters such as fire etc.
  • Firewall software is built into most operating systems.
  • If you suspect errors on your HDD then use the Disk scanner to check your drive and try to fix them.
  • If your HDD is running out of space then use the Disk Cleanup utility to free up some space.
  • The File Extension tells the Operating System which program is needed to open the file.
  • A Folder is a place where you can store files and folders on your computer.
  • A File Path is a string of Folders that start with the Drive's letter, separated by a \ that leads to the precise place where the file is saved. e.g. C:\documents\2024
  • The Recycle bin is where any items which have been deleted on your computer are stored.
  • Utility Software refers to programs which perform general housekeeping activities for the the Operating System
  • An example of accessibility software would be the Magnifier tool