role of the father

Cards (7)

  • attachment to fathers= They are more likely to be secondary attachment figures while the mother is the primary attachment figure. This attachment normally happens around 7 months.
  • Distinctive role= Grossman carried out a longitudinal study and looked at both parents behaviour and its relationship to the quality of the babys later attachments. Found that fathers are less important than attachments to mothers. Also suggests that fathers have a different role which is more to do with play and stimultion.
  • Fathers as a primary attachment figure= Some studies to suggest that fathers can take on more emotional roles typical of the mother. They partake in interactional synchrony and reciprocity, primary attachment fathers spend more time smiling and playing with their children then secondary.
  • Another limitation is conflicting evidence if fathers do have a role. Grossmans longitudinal study suggests that secondary fathers still have a distinct role. This would suggest families without a father would turn out differently when they have no change to their development making the study have low validity.
  • Alot of research is biased as there are stereotypes on parenting roles. Argued that fathers dont become primary attachments because of traditional views on the mother being expected to be nurturing and caring. Therefore, making some fathers feel like they shouldnt act like that. But it could also be the fact that females have hormones such as oestrogen. This puts fathers at a biological disadvantage and could create observer bias as they focus mainly on the mother.
  • Schaffer found that infants primary attachment figure was mainly the mom. AT 18 months the infants formed an attachment with their father and showed separation anxiety.
  • In western society mothers now join the work place and evidence shows fathers also take on the role of the primary caregiver. They adapt to be more like mothers and be sensitive to babies.