Key dates

Cards (28)

  • December 1783
    William Pitt become Prime Minister - 'mince pie administration
  • May 1784
    William Pitt calls and wins general election
  • October 1784
    The East India Company Act (aka Pitt's India Act) - established Board of Control over East India Company's rule of India
  • April 1785
    Pitt's reform Bill - mainly regarding reorganisation of parliamentary representation
  • September 1786 - foreign
    Eden Treaty - a trade agreement with France to lower some duties
  • September 1786 - domestic
    Sinking Fund - set aside budget surplus to pay down national debt
  • November 1788
    Regency Crisis - King George III becomes heavily ill, thought that his incompetent son may have to take over
  • August 1788
    Triple Alliance - Britain, Prussia, United Provinces
  • Mar 1790
    Henry Flood's Reform Bill - supported by Fox and Edmund Burke, redeemed Flood's reputation
  • April 1792
    Society of the Friends of the People founded
    • advocate reform
    • founded by Whig Party
    • elitist organisation in England
    • more inclusive in Scotland with wide membership
  • March 1793
    Pitt declares was on revolutionary France
  • May 1794 - domestic
    suspension of Habeas Corpus
  • May 1794 - parliament
    leading Whig's join Pitt's supporters
  • April to May 1797
    Naval Mutinies - Noor and Spithead
  • May 1798
    rebellion in Ireland
  • December 1799
    income tax introduced due to emergency funds required
  • March 1801
    William Pitt the Younger resigns as Prime Minister
  • March 1802
    Peace of Amiens - peace treaty between Britain and Revolutionary France which lasted one year
  • May 1804
    William Pitt the younger returns as Prime Minister
  • October 1805
    Battle of Trafalgar - Lord Nelson won naval battle, stopped French and Spanish navy's joint attempt to invade Great Britain, no GB ship lost
  • January 1806
    William Pitt the Younger dies in office as Prime Minister
  • May 1808
    Peninsular War - from 1808 to 1814, Iberian Peninsular, national liberation, Spain + Portugal + Britain vs Napoleonic France
  • June 1812
    Lord Liverpool = Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • April 1814 - war
    Napoleon Abdicates - marks end of Peninsular War
  • April 1784 - foreign relations
    Congress of Vienna - Castlereagh as Foreign Secretary established the Congress system with Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary
  • March 1815 - domestic
    Corn Law - restrictions and tariffs on imported grain, domestic protectionist policy, gained opposition from urban groups who had little political voice yet food prices rose dramatically
  • March 1815 - foreign
    Napoleon returns - Battle of Waterloo from Congress of Vienna, Napoleon defeated and exiled
  • Jun 1815
    Battle of Waterloo - UK army lead by Duke of Wellington, defeat Napoleon's army