parent/enabling act - sets out limits which any delegatedlegislation can be made, parliament can repeal powers in act, parliamentary committees scrutinise delegated legislation to see if made appropriately
control by parliament - checks on parent/enabling act, parliament can make or unmake law, power of repeal
affirmative resolutions - statutory instruments not law unless specifically approved by parliament, can't be amended
negative resolutions - (majority) statutory instrument becomes law unless rejected by parliament within 40 days
positive resolutions - reviewed before passed as law
questioning of gov ministers/bodies - MPs can question ministers in hoc about proposed/current delegatedlegislation
scrutiny committees - review all statutory instruments, draw attention to both houses of parliament to points needing further consideration
eval pro - scrutiny committee means many statutory instruments can be checked and debated
eval pro - negativeresolution procedure allows laws to pass quickly
eval con - amount of delegatedlegislation means not all can be given proper scrutiny before coming into force
eval con - many statutoryinstruments looked at not all can be looked at during negative resolution procedure so never challenged