Cold war crisis

Cards (62)

  • What were the main reasons for the unpopularity of the communist regime in East Germany?
    Low living standards and lack of freedoms
  • What event occurred in East Germany in 1953?
    Mass unrest led to USSR sending troops
  • How many refugees fled East Germany by 1958?
    3 million
  • What was Khrushchev’s solution to the ‘brain drain’ issue in East Germany?
    Make all of Berlin part of East Germany
  • What term describes the loss of skilled workers from East Germany to West Germany?
    ‘Brain drain’
  • What was Khrushchev’s Berlin Ultimatum?
    Demilitarize Berlin or give control to East Germany
  • When was the Geneva Summit held?
    May 1959
  • What agreement did Eisenhower secure from Khrushchev at Camp David in September 1959?
    Withdrawal of the Berlin Ultimatum
  • Why was the Paris Summit in May 1960 considered a failure?
    USSR shot down a U-2 spy plane
  • Who became US President in 1961?
    John F. Kennedy
  • Why did Khrushchev see Kennedy's election as an advantage?
    Kennedy was young and inexperienced
  • What occurred at the Vienna Summit in June 1961?
    Khrushchev reissued the Berlin Ultimatum
  • What was Kennedy's response to the Vienna Summit failure in 1961?
    Increased US military spending by $2 billion
  • How many refugees crossed from East to West Germany in August 1961?
  • Who was the East German leader during the Berlin Wall's construction?
    Walter Ulbricht
  • What significant action did East German troops take on 12 August 1961?
    Put a barbed wire fence around West Berlin
  • How long was the Berlin Wall when completed?
    165 km
  • What early Cold War idea did the Berlin Wall physically represent?
    Iron Curtain
  • How many people were killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall?
  • What were the positive consequences of the Berlin Wall for Khrushchev?
    Showed communism could survive in Berlin
  • What were the negative consequences of the Berlin Wall for Khrushchev?
    Abandoned plans to unite Germany under Soviet control
  • What was the positive consequence of the Berlin Wall for Kennedy?
    He stood up to Khrushchev successfully
  • What famous phrase did Kennedy use in Berlin in June 1963?
    ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’
  • What did Kennedy say the Berlin Wall was better than?
  • How close is Cuba to the US mainland?
    145 km
  • What economic ties existed between the US and Cuba?
    US controlled Cuban land and investments
  • What happened in Cuba in 1959?
    A nationalist revolution overthrew the government
  • Who led the Cuban Revolution in 1959?
    Fidel Castro and Che Guevara
  • Why did US-Cuban tensions increase after the revolution?
    US refused aid unless Cuba followed rules
  • When did Castro nationalize foreign-owned land in Cuba?
    May 1959
  • What agreement did Castro sign with Khrushchev in February 1960?
    Soviet Union to buy Cuban sugar and provide aid
  • What was the secret clause in Castro’s deal with Khrushchev?
    Cuba would receive Soviet weapons
  • What action did Eisenhower take in response to Cuba's deal with the USSR?
    Reduced sugar imports and banned trade
  • When were diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba broken off?
    January 1961
  • What plan did Kennedy support regarding Cuba?
    A CIA plan to train Cuban exiles for invasion
  • When and where did the failed invasion of Cuba occur?
    April 1961, Bay of Pigs
  • How many men were in the invasion force during the Bay of Pigs invasion?
  • Why did the Bay of Pigs invasion fail?
    Volunteers had little military experience
  • What were the consequences of the Bay of Pigs invasion for the US?
    Humiliation and accusations of hypocrisy
  • What steps did Castro take after the Bay of Pigs invasion?
    Declared himself communist and sought Soviet aid