End of cold war

Cards (60)

  • What was the Reagan Doctrine?
    US would support anti-communist groups
  • Where did the USA start implementing the Reagan Doctrine?
    El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Grenada
  • What new policy did Reagan announce in 1983?
    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
  • What was the nickname of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative?
    ‘Star Wars’
  • What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?
    A system of satellites to shoot down missiles
  • What did Reagan deliberately not reveal about the Strategic Defense Initiative?
    It was only an idea, not ready
  • Why did Reagan try to increase pressure on the Soviet Union in the early 1980s?
    To pressure the Soviet economy through military spending
  • Who became Soviet leader in 1985?
    Mikhail Gorbachev
  • What problems was the Soviet Union facing when Gorbachev became leader?
    Low growth, unrest, instability, poor leadership
  • Who were the three Soviet leaders before Gorbachev, and when did they die?
    Brezhnev 1982, Andropov 1984, Chernenko 1985
  • What disaster in the USSR in 1986 increased Gorbachev’s desire to reduce nuclear weapons?
    Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion
  • What is meant by Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’?
    His idea that changes were necessary in the USSR
  • What was the Russian word for Gorbachev's reconstruction of the Soviet state and economy?
  • What did Gorbachev’s policy of perestroika involve?
    Incorporating capitalism into the Soviet economy
  • What was the Russian word for ‘openness’ in Gorbachev's reforms?
  • What did Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost involve?
    Allowing opposition and free expression
  • What fundamental Soviet policy was dropped by Gorbachev?
    Brezhnev Doctrine
  • What did Gorbachev decide regarding spending on arms and defense?
    Spending would be reduced
  • How did Reagan react to Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’?
    He saw it as an opportunity to end the Cold War
  • When was the Geneva Summit between Reagan and Gorbachev?
    November 1985
  • What was the outcome of the Geneva Summit in 1985?
    No formal agreement, desire to improve relations
  • At which summit in 1986 did the US promise to give up SDI?
  • What treaty was agreed upon at the Washington Summit of 1987?
    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF)
  • What did Gorbachev announce in his speech to the UN in 1988?
    Reduction in Warsaw Pact troops
  • Who became President of the USA in 1989?
    George Bush
  • What was significant about the Malta Summit of 1989?
    It marked the end of the Cold War
  • How did the ending of the Cold War contribute to the end of Soviet control in Eastern Europe?
    Satellite states feared no Soviet intervention
  • What happened in May 1989 in Hungary?
    The fence with Austria was taken down
  • What effect did the removal of the fence between Hungary and Austria have in East Germany?
    East Germans started crossing to the West
  • What was the name of the Polish trade union that challenged the communist government?
  • What happened in Poland in June 1989?
    Solidarity was legalized and won elections
  • What did the East German government announce in November 1989?
    Crossing to West Berlin would be opened
  • When did the Berlin Wall fall?
    9 November 1989
  • Why was the fall of the Berlin Wall significant?
    It symbolized the end of Soviet control
  • Why was the fall of the Berlin Wall not that significant in terms of division?
    East Germans had crossed to the West already
  • What was the nickname for the overthrow of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989?
    The ‘Velvet Revolution’
  • What happened in Czechoslovakia’s ‘Velvet Revolution’ in November 1989?
    Communist government overthrown, Havel elected
  • Who was the Communist leader of Romania overthrown in 1989?
    Nicolae Ceausescu
  • What was formally dissolved in July 1991?
    Warsaw Pact
  • When did Germany reunite?
    October 1991