
Cards (27)

  • What does the pink sunset in the image represent?
    Klebsiella is gram-negative
  • How does Klebsiella appear under a Gram stain?
    Pink or red and rod-shaped
  • What does the presence of flowers next to a river symbolize?
    Klebsiella is part of normal gastrointestinal flora
  • What does the fast-running monkey represent?
    Klebsiella ferments lactose on MacConkey agar
  • What does the pink color on MacConkey agar indicate?
    The organism is a lactose fermenter
  • What does the sack full of sand symbolize in relation to Klebsiella?
    Klebsiella has a polysaccharide capsule
  • What does the urine in the scene help to remember?
    Klebsiella is urease positive
  • What does the spilled container of medication symbolize?
    Klebsiella is associated with multi-drug resistance
  • What does the gorilla with mucus represent?
    Klebsiella produces mucoid colonies
  • What do the dyed beads on the gorilla symbolize?
  • What does the gorilla strangling the soldier represent?
    Klebsiella is associated with lobar pneumonia in diabetics
  • What does the Molotov cocktail symbolize in the context of Klebsiella?
    Klebsiella can cause pneumonia in alcoholics
  • What are struvite kidney stones composed of?
    Ammonium, magnesium, and phosphate
  • What does the monkey eating the liver represent?
    Klebsiella can cause hepatic abscesses
  • What does the green bacterial growth on the dead body symbolize?
    Klebsiella can cause spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
  • What does the young attractive girl symbolize?
    Klebsiella causes urinary tract infections
  • What does the red jello represent?
    Klebsiella is associated with red currant jelly sputum
  • What does the black color of the river symbolize?
    Klebsiella can cause lung abscesses and necrosis
  • What is the most likely organism responsible for the patient's death in the case study?
  • What does the patient's history of alcoholism indicate in relation to Klebsiella?
    Risk factor for aspiration pneumonia
  • What does the sputum culture reveal about the organism?
    Gram-negative bacilli forming mucoid colonies
  • What does the autopsy reveal about the patient's condition?
    Lung abscesses filled with liquefactive necrosis
  • What is the correct answer regarding Klebsiella's behavior on MacConkey agar?
    Rapidly produces a pink color
  • Why is Klebsiella considered a fast lactose fermenter?
    It turns MacConkey agar pink quickly
  • Why are options A, C, and D incorrect in the question about Klebsiella?
    They do not represent fast lactose fermentation
  • What are the key characteristics of Klebsiella?
    • Gram-negative bacillus
    • Part of normal gastrointestinal flora
    • Fast lactose fermenter on MacConkey agar
    • Urease positive
    • Associated with multi-drug resistance
    • Produces mucoid colonies
    • Causes lobar pneumonia in diabetics and alcoholics
    • Can cause hepatic abscesses and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
    • Associated with urinary tract infections
    • Causes struvite kidney stones
    • Can lead to lung abscesses and liquefactive necrosis
  • What are the clinical implications of Klebsiella infections?
    • Risk of aspiration pneumonia in alcoholics
    • Potential for multi-drug resistance
    • Association with diabetic patients
    • Can cause severe lung and liver complications