
    Cards (35)

    • Which organism is discussed in this section?
      Proteus mirabilis
    • What does the Greek god Proteus represent in this context?
      Proteus mirabilis
    • What does Proteus symbolize in Greek mythology?
      A prophetic sea god
    • What type of organism is Proteus mirabilis?
    • What color appears in the gram stain of Proteus mirabilis?
      Pink or red
    • What is the morphology of Proteus mirabilis?
    • What does swarming motility refer to in Proteus mirabilis?
      Coordinated movement when plated
    • What does it mean that Proteus is urease positive?
      It produces ammonia from urea
    • What color indicates a positive urease test?
    • What does Proteus mirabilis produce when placed in TSI agar?
      Hydrogen sulfide
    • What does the black color in TSI agar indicate?
      Production of hydrogen sulfide
    • What condition can Proteus mirabilis cause related to the kidneys?
      Kidney stones
    • What type of kidney stones can Proteus mirabilis cause?
      Struvite kidney stones
    • What do staghorn calculi indicate?
      Infectious cause of kidney stones
    • What is the effect of urease on urine pH?
      Increases pH, causing alkalinization
    • How does ammonia contribute to kidney stone formation?
      It precipitates minerals in urine
    • What symptoms did the patient in the case study exhibit?
      Dysuria and hematuria
    • What does a urinary pH of 6.7 suggest about the type of kidney stone?
      Suggests struvite or calcium phosphate stones
    • Why is the presence of a staghorn calculus significant?
      Indicates an infectious cause
    • What is the correct answer to the case study question?
      An organism that produces ammonia from urea
    • What is the treatment for Proteus mirabilis infections?
    • What does the quiver of arrows symbolize in the image?
      Treatment with amoxicillin
    • How does the presence of urine in the image relate to Proteus mirabilis?
      Indicates urease positivity
    • What does the fishy scent associated with Proteus mirabilis indicate?
      Presence of the organism in urine
    • What is the significance of the black smoke in the image?
      Indicates hydrogen sulfide production
    • What does the term "struvite" relate to in the context of Proteus mirabilis?
      Type of kidney stone caused by the organism
    • What is the role of ammonia in the formation of kidney stones?
      It precipitates minerals in urine
    • How does the patient's high urinary pH relate to the type of kidney stone?
      Suggests struvite or calcium phosphate stones
    • How does the presence of a fishy scent relate to Proteus mirabilis infections?
      Indicates the organism's presence in urine
    • What is the role of the automated urinalysis system in the context of kidney stones?
      Detects struvite crystals
    • What does the term "hematuria" mean?
      Presence of blood in urine
    • How does the presence of a fishy scent relate to Proteus mirabilis infections?
      Indicates the organism's presence in urine
    • What does the term "dysuria" refer to?
      Painful urination
    • What does the presence of costovertebral angle tenderness suggest?
      Possible kidney involvement
    • How does the patient's condition relate to the characteristics of Proteus mirabilis?
      Involves urease positivity and kidney stones