Cards (47)

  • What does the red sunset in the image represent?
    Shigella is gram-negative
  • How does Shigella appear under a microscope?
    Pink or red and rod-shaped
  • What type of secretion system does Shigella utilize?
    Type 3 secretion system
  • How is Shigella transmitted between humans?
    Human to human transmission
  • Through which cells does Shigella invade the gastrointestinal tract?
    M cells in Peyer's patches
  • What do the reins in the image represent?
    Host's actin filaments
  • What is the immune response to Shigella primarily composed of?
  • Why is Shigella considered immobile?
    It lacks a flagellum
  • What toxin does Shigella produce?
  • What does Shigatoxin inhibit?
    60S ribosomal subunit
  • What condition is associated with Shigella's toxin?
    Hemolytic uremic syndrome
  • What are the four unique findings of hemolytic uremic syndrome?
    Thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, schistocyte formation, uremia
  • What does von Willebrand factor assist with?
    Hemostasis by binding to damaged endothelium
  • What happens to von Willebrand factor in hemolytic uremic syndrome?
    It cannot be degraded into monomers
  • What is the result of abnormal platelet adhesion in hemolytic uremic syndrome?
    Formation of microthrombi
  • What are schistocytes?
    Partially lysed red blood cells
  • What are the four species of Shigella to know for Step 1?
    1. Shigella dysenteriae (most severe)
    2. Shigella flexneri
    3. Shigella boydii
    4. Shigella sonnei (least severe)
  • What are the treatment options for Shigella?
    • Ampicillin
    • Fluoroquinolones
    • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
    • Ceftriaxone
  • Why is Shigella considered acid resistant?
    It is not inactivated by gastric acid
  • What does the term "low inoculum" refer to in the context of Shigella?
    Few pathogens needed to cause infection
  • What is the significance of the raspberry patches in the image?
    They represent Peyer's patches
  • What does the term "dysentery" refer to in relation to Shigella?
    Damage to the GI mucosa causing bloody diarrhea
  • What is the role of actin filaments in Shigella's movement?
    They allow intracellular movement
  • What does the term "gram-negative" indicate about Shigella?
    It has a thin peptidoglycan layer
  • How does the presence of blood in stool relate to Shigella infection?
    Indicates damage to the intestinal lining
  • What is the significance of the handcuffed man in the image?
    Represents Shigella's immobility outside the host
  • What is the role of the police officers in the image?
    They inhibit the camera crew, representing toxin action
  • What is the primary method of diagnosing Shigella infection?
    Stool culture
  • How does Shigella's acid resistance affect its infection capability?
    It allows survival in gastric acid
  • What does the term "bloody diarrhea" indicate in a clinical context?
    Presence of blood in stool
  • What does the term "dysentery" specifically refer to?
    Severe diarrhea with blood and mucus
  • How does the presence of neutrophils relate to Shigella infection?
    Indicates an immune response to infection
  • What does the term "Peyer's patches" refer to?
    Aggregates of lymphoid tissue in the intestine
  • How does the clinical vignette illustrate Shigella's characteristics?
    It highlights bloody diarrhea and low inoculum
  • What does the term "gram-negative bacillus" indicate about Shigella?
    It is a rod-shaped, gram-negative bacterium
  • What is the significance of the amp in the image?
    Represents treatment with ampicillin
  • What does the term "trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole" refer to?
    A treatment option for Shigella
  • How does the presence of a trident relate to Shigella treatment?
    Represents ceftriaxone as a treatment
  • What does the term "non-lactose fermenting" indicate about Shigella?
    It does not ferment lactose
  • What does the term "invasive organism" imply in the context of Shigella?
    It can penetrate host cells