Cards (26)

  • What does the image in the video represent?
    A sinking ship with Roman soldiers
  • What is the full name of the bacterium discussed?
    Legionella pneumophila
  • What type of bacteria is legionella based on gram staining?
    Gram-negative bacillus
  • What does the soldier falling out of the boat symbolize?
    Facultative intracellular nature of legionella
  • How is legionella transmitted?
    Through water sources
  • What does the sinking ship represent in the context of legionella?
    Legionella's ability to cause disease
  • What is a common risk factor for legionella infection?
    Smoking and chronic lung disease
  • What does the blue necklace symbolize in the video?
    Legionella is oxidase positive
  • What color indicates a positive oxidase test?
    Blue or purple
  • What do the piles of silver represent?
    Silver stain for identifying legionella
  • What is the significance of charcoal yeast extract medium?
    It is used to grow legionella
  • What does the water inside the ship symbolize?
    Legionella causes watery diarrhea
  • What does the coughing soldier represent?
    Legionella causes pneumonia
  • What do the stars above the soldier's head symbolize?
    CNS symptoms like confusion and headache
  • What does the burning fire represent?
    Legionella can cause high fever
  • What does the pontiac logo symbolize?
    Legionella causes Pontiac fever
  • What is hyponatremia associated with?
    Legionella infection
  • How can legionella be diagnosed?
    By detecting antigens in urine
  • What is the treatment for legionella?
    Azithromycin and fluoroquinolones
  • What key symptoms suggest legionella infection in the case study?
    Diarrhea, headache, high fever
  • What does the sputum gram stain reveal in the case study?
    Abundance of neutrophils but no organisms
  • What is the correct answer to the case study question?
    Antigens of the pathogen in the urine
  • What are the key characteristics of legionella pneumophila?
    • Gram-negative bacillus
    • Facultative intracellular
    • Transmitted through water sources
    • Causes pneumonia and diarrhea
    • Associated with CNS symptoms
    • Oxidase positive
    • Diagnosed by urine antigen detection
    • Treated with azithromycin and fluoroquinolones
  • What are the clinical features of legionella infection?
    • High fever (>39°C)
    • Diarrhea
    • CNS symptoms (confusion, headache)
    • Sputum gram stain shows neutrophils
    • Associated with smoking and chronic lung disease
  • What are the laboratory findings associated with legionella?
    • Poor gram staining
    • Positive silver stain
    • Antigens detected in urine
    • Neutrophils present in sputum
  • Legionella is grown on?
    Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with cysteine and iron.