Ethnicity Studies

Cards (14)

  • Flaherty et al

    Main reasons for high rates of poverty: ethnic minorities are more likely to be unemployed, and they're more likely to be in low-skilled and low-paid work
  • Cox (Marxist)

    Racism originated at the same time capitalism did, it developed to justify exploitation.
  • Castles and Kosack (Marxist)

    Most immigrants were concentrated in low paid, low skilled manual labour jobs, which had poor working conditions. Therefore they are in the reserve army of labour. Also emergence of immigrants split the working class and created a divide and rule tactic benefiting the ruling class.
  • Miles (Marxist)

    Racism was originally used to justify the exploitation of non-Europeans. Status and class should be considered in relation to racial inequality. Ethnic groups are members of radicalised class fractions
  • Patterson (Functionalist)

    Host immigrant model: Britain's stable, homogenous and orderly society was interrupted by the arrival of immigrants. This caused inequalities in 3 ways: the host culture was fearful of cultural differences, host culture resents competition for resources and the failure for immigrants to assimilate.
  • Sewell (New Right)

    Argues that black Afro-Caribbean boys are raised in lone parent families. As a result they have no proper male role model, which makes them more vulnerable to peer pressure. 57% vs 25%
  • Weber
    Stratification could occur based on status and party as well as market position. Most white people are more likely to have a superior market position so they have superior life chances.
  • Rex and Tomlinson
    The material disadvantage experienced by the ethnic minorities in Birmingham was so great it cut them off from white working class groups. So they formed a separated underclass, where there disadvantages were worsened by the hostility from the white society.
  • Barron and Norris
    Dual labour market: ethnic minority men were concentrated in the secondary labour market due to their low cultural status, whilst white men were in the primary labour market
  • Wood et al

    Discrimination was in favour of white names over equivalent applications from candidates in ethnic minority groups
  • Davidson
    Ethnic minority women were blocked from processing in jobs by the concrete ceiling, as they faced both sexism and racism
  • Platt
    Analysed the 2001 census and found that Caribbean, Black Africans, Indians and Chinese experience upward occupational mobility. However, Pakistani and Bangladeshi performed less well
  • Sedghi
    Chinese, Indian, Irish, Bangladeshi and Black African students were outperforming British peers by obtaining 5 more GCSEs. 39% of Bangladeshi women (35% men) work part time.
  • Alcock
    Ethnic minority groups experience material deprivation, which leads to social exclusion which is exaggerated by racial harassment.