Fate + the Supernatural

Cards (10)

  • "I'th' name of truth / Are ye fantastical" (Banquo 1:3)
  • "What, can the devil speak true?" (Banquo 1:3)
  • "And oftentimes, to win us to our harm / The instruments of darkness tell us truths" (Banquo 1:3)
  • "This supernatural soliciting / Cannot be ill; cannot be good" (Macbeth 1:3)
  • "They have more in them than mortal knowledge" (Macbeth on witches 1:4)
  • "Fate and metaphysical aid doth seem / To have thee crowned withal" (Lady Macbeth 1:5)
  • "But in these cases / We still have judgement here" (Macbeth 1:7)
  • "As by the strength of their illusion / Shall draw him unto his confusion / He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear his hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear" (Hecate 3:6)
  • "Devilish Macbeth / By many of these trains hath sought to win me / into his power" (Macduff 4:3)
  • "What's the boy Malcolm? / Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know / All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus" (Macbeth 5:2)