General adaptation syndrome

Cards (5)

  • Stage 1 - Alarm (stress response system is activated)
    -Stressor is registered.
    -The HAP secretes ACTH which releases corticosteroids from adrenal cortex while sympathetic autonomic nervous system activation leads to increased adrenaline and noradrenaline being secreted by the adrenal medulla.
    -The body is ready to respond to stress.
  • Stage 2 - Resistance (Body copes with stress)
    -The body's stress response is fully activated and is coping with the stressor so from an outside perspective things seem to be under control.
  • Stage 3 - Exhaustion (stress related illness may develop)
    -If stressor is too long/ chronic, body enters the exhaustion stage.
    -Selye believed hormones become depleted and is at this point that stress-related conditions raised blood pressure, depression and anxiety may develop.
  • Evaluation - strength of research support with rats
    -Rats were subjected to various physical stressors including extreme cold, excessive muscular exercise and surgical injury.
    -Found same responses occurred regardless of stressor.
    -Suggests that there is a general response to stress regardless of the stressor.
  • Evaluation - weakness ethical issues of research
    -Physical harm is induced on the rats. However, cost vs benefit as the harm caused to the rats outweighs the benefits of knowledge of the stress from results.
    -Physiological responses can differ depending on the stressor. The model does not recognise the role of the emotion and cognitive in how a person perceives certain stressors.
    -Mason measured stress levels of cortisol in monkeys when exposed to extreme cold which results in increased cortisol.